Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits

Dec 13, 2004




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What bad guy is it going to be? He has no cool ones left to my knowledge. I hope its not someone wack like The Mandarin
Also, Marvel panel in 20min and there is supposed to be a teaser of IM3.
I like Iron Man but I didn't think they were going to come out with a 3rd one. What else is there to bring up? I hope Scarlett is in it though.
Originally Posted by Antidope

What bad guy is it going to be? He has no cool ones left to my knowledge. I hope its not someone wack like The Mandarin
Iron Patriot maybe, heard it was some rogue soldier or something. Not 100%
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Antidope

What bad guy is it going to be? He has no cool ones left to my knowledge. I hope its not someone wack like The Mandarin
Iron Patriot maybe, heard it was some rogue soldier or something. Not 100%

It's not Iron Patriot, the leaked pics were a painted War Machine suit. 
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Antidope

What bad guy is it going to be? He has no cool ones left to my knowledge. I hope its not someone wack like The Mandarin
Iron Patriot maybe, heard it was some rogue soldier or something. Not 100%

It's not Iron Patriot, the leaked pics were a painted War Machine suit. 
Then I stand corrected. Idk who it is then 
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

iron man 2 was so bad....idk how that happened
They were way too concerned with hyping up the Avengers. Nick Fury had no business in the movie. I could understand why the Black Widow was in it because she was a Russian operative, but they didn't even develop any type of tie-in to Vanko (Whiplash), so she was essentially useless.

The real unfortunate thing about the film was that if they took away the Avengers related material and gave Rourke more to work with, he would have been a formidable villain.

And don't even get me started on the scene when Rhodes puts on the Mark II armor and the fight that ensued afterwards.

I did enjoy Rockwell's performance as Justin Hammer. He was just on the cusp of being over the top, but he had great screen presence.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Coldblood and Firepower are my best bets as the main villains

Guy Pearce is one of the main villains as the creator of the Extremis formula. 
Ben Kingsley is Mandarin.

I dont know how i feel about the new that how it looks like in the comics?

Also The Extremis storyline confirmed? ..
Teaser in the SDCC Panel:

We see a bunch of footage -- Guy Pearce's character -- The Iron Patriot armor (WM painted)

"Some people call me a terrorist," says a voice (I don't think it's Kingsley)

"I consider myself a teacher. Lesson number one: There is no such thing as heroes."

We see a bunch of helicopters firing on Stark's house, blowing it off the edge of the cliff

Inside, every suit of armor is destroyed

Iron Man falls into the ocean as wreckage comes down on top of him

Cut to...

Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin

It's the costume from the comic almost exactly

The footage ends and they're even calling him the Mandarin now
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