STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

By you saying, "Common Sense" tells me that you are missing my point.

We can drop it.

Because I still think the can a day is still ALOT and not moderation.

But yea we can drop it because it is just proving my point that moderation has no definition
No I completely get what you're saying and you're 100% correct. Moderation is a relative term, like most things. It means different things to different people and it ISN'T clear advice. I was just giving an example.
maybe you just think you're fine? dat dere liver doh :x

Coke is evil. Tastes delicious though. I still have some mixed with my whiskey when I go out. Gets me right.
Meh dude was right we all die sometime. Somethings going to get me eventually. I think a can of coke zero is the least of my worries

I'm so lost in the game. how are yall doing this?

if all else is equal, ya teeth gotta be ****** right?
I actually have great teeth

No offense but there isn't something else you could eat or drink to meet your #s? That is a wild reason to drink THAT

You have never prepped for a show before. Coke zero and diets are a god send when your in that 10 week and less prep stage. And you usually dont drink em when you only have 4-6 weeks left. So between diet sodas or other carbonated waters. Are heaven when youre eating fish and green beans. Or 6oz chicken breast and asapaargus. And your only carbs are breakfast and post work out. And you have a job that youre moving around all day expending energy.
Idk what contest prep plan yall were on but mine wasn't that bad lol I stayed full
Assuming contest prep involves going below 10% body fat (a TRUE sub 10%, none of this Dwyane Wade is 5% body fat nonsense), there is no way you can feel full during contest prep unless you have an abnormally small appetite.
Assuming contest prep involves going below 10% body fat (a TRUE sub 10%, none of this Dwyane Wade is 5% body fat nonsense), there is no way you can feel full during contest prep unless you have an abnormally small appetite.
Lol ok man. Eating in a deficit =/= starving yourself
Youre also a big guy tho compared to me. I competed at 176.5, and its hard for me to cut. So i had to go lower being new to the bb scene.
What about Ray Allen
I believe Ray Allen could be one of the few in the NBA around 10%, but if I had to bet it's more around 12%. I remember people used to say MJ was 2-3% body fat 
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You guys know it's very possible to look muscular / in shape / lean at 12-15% right??

10% and lower are for people competing in shows etc

I believe this sums it up nicely
You can't go by that chart when we're talking abt genetic freaks, you can't even go by that chart for most regular people cuz everybody's body is different. Lot of NBA guys are lean as ****. I'm not saying D Wade is sub 5% but there's a lot of sub 10% NBA guys 
You can't go by that chart when we're talking abt genetic freaks, you can't even go by that chart for most regular people cuz everybody's body is different. Lot of NBA guys are lean as ****. I'm not saying D Wade is sub 5% but there's a lot of sub 10% NBA guys 
Do you realize how lean sub 10% really is? Athletes who aren't bodybuilding / physique competitors shouldn't even be at sub 10% levels because it does no good for performance, it's literally only useful for appearance. Genetic freaks in the NBA can be shredded and lean, but there's a next level of shredded and lean. I'm talking about striations all over, and NO NBA athletes have that. 
How would you know unless you're actually squeezing their belly with a caliper?
1) Because i'm not blind and 2) since 2003 theres been abt 200+ players with sub 10% bf at the NBA combine...

The highest bf % ever at the combine was 23.1%.... lowest was 2.6% ... hell big Demarcus Cousins was 16.1% 
Do you realize how lean sub 10% really is? Athletes who aren't bodybuilding / physique competitors shouldn't even be at sub 10% levels because it does no good for performance, it's literally only useful for appearance. Genetic freaks in the NBA can be shredded and lean, but there's a next level of shredded and lean. I'm talking about striations all over, and NO NBA athletes have that. 
Do you realize that you're not talking bout some regular *** people that go to LA fitness?? Lol. These guys are genetic FREAKS dude...just cuz you're bf% is low doesn't mean you'll look like you're abt to step on stage at the Arnold man... Lean lean lean... you can be lean as **** with low bf% and not be the all mighty "shredded"
1) Because i'm not blind and 2) since 2003 theres been abt 200+ players with sub 10% bf at the NBA combine...

The highest bf % ever at the combine was 23.1%.... lowest was 2.6% ... hell big Demarcus Cousins was 16.1% 
That was the whole point of this topic. The way NBA players and most people in general are measured for body fat is wildly inaccurate. Those numbers should be way higher than that.
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