If you intend to represent NikeTalk - please represent the values and integrity we stand for. Perso

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
As many of you know, a very sad, ugly, and petty situation has developed over the past few days as the de facto owner of our former forum host, Yuku, chose to hijack our forums - and everything you posted there - in attempt to exploit our decision to point our web address to the destination of our choice and begin operating NikeTalk forums on a far superior platform.

Their actions have certainly caused me personal distress and clearly many of you are outraged by their callous disregard for both the truth and for your will as content owners.  

However, as I have stressed repeatedly and publicly on our forums, when you behave unethically, as Sanjay is learning, you dishonor yourself and the organization whose best interests you claim to represent.  

If you care about NikeTalk at all - if you care about the communal values we've tried so hard to uphold over these many years -  

DO NOT, under ANY circumstances threaten or harass ANYONE by ANY means.  

It has come to my attention that, late last night, an individual began posting publicly available information about CrowdGather's executives, along with links to personal facebook pages and even the CEO's home address.  Other users then attempted to make use of this information to harass those they considered responsible for hijacking niketalk.yuku.com and everything you posted to the forums we've run in good faith for over a dozen years. 

Make no mistake:  such behavior is disgraceful to NikeTalk.  It is an absolute affront to common decency, respect, and civility.  

Anyone who does so will be permanently banned from our community and we will cooperate fully in any investigation of criminal conduct associated with their behavior.  

In the past, I have asked you to avoid posting pornographic images on "SneakerTalk" or from attempting to "attack" that website in any way.  I have pleased with you to wait until such time as we could provide you with a clear explanation of the situation and how you can make yourselves heard in a way that we can all be proud of.  

When you behave unethically, you forfeit the moral high ground and diminish yourself to the same exact level as the people with whom you are now so thoroughly displeased.  

I am so grateful for all the loyalty that NikeTalk's community members have shown during this difficult time.  If our community means anything at all to you, however, I beg of you to conduct yourselves in a manner that everyone - no matter where they stand in this petty, farcical affair - can respect.

I will update you later today with what we believe to be the most appropriate course of action.  

Please do not post to the SneakerTalk forums, communicate with anyone at CrowdGather, or make any threatening or disparaging comments about CrowdGather, its employees, or their family members.    
We should flat out just stop making threads about that place. No more discussions period about that site.
a little too late. you shoulda let us know earlier.

but i guess late is better than never.
Thanks for the update meth and let us know what we can do to properly voice our discontent.
Welp, I guess some people actually did use that Nas gif with a purpose
I was surprised how much info they collected in a short period of time.

Dudes had enough to create a federal case file. Ridiculous. 

It was irresponsible for people doing that research to think they could get away with just blind provocation though. You don't just do that without asking for something to happen to you. 
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:rofl:[quote name="odog24" url="/t/500384/if-you-intend-to-represent-niketalk-please-represent-the-values-and-integrity-we-stand-for-personal-threats-and-harassment-are-never-acceptable#post_16016578"]a little too late. you shoulda let us know earlier.

but i guess late is better than never.

"OOPS" :rofl: :rofl:

but seriously, Its about time someone cleared light into what was going on.
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