Fake grinches look "stubby". I am good with the two orange CWs BHM and ASG. Don't think that new one looks any better. I also agree that volts( even though they aren't quite) look better than grafittis. Solid uppers would be nice to see in multiple colors. Debating whether to UNDS purples or volts. No feeling either way. Don't wear purple much though so maybe that route would be better.
Pretty sure my new pair of Kobe's is defective. It seems as though one of the shoes is uneven. If I lay my foot flat on the ground, one either there is a slight gap in the back between the ground, or there is a slight gap in the front. I figured it might just be my lunar loan bottoming, for lack of a better reason ( there is an old sole in). Does anybody have any ideas?
Lawd...those lightning looking joints up there are insane.

Straight fuego.
Quick question guys,
whats a good price on size 12 kobe Mambacurials? And have they made fakes? Thanks in advance for any help.
Unds'd my milk snakes this morning.  Really love this CW.  Actually like that it's not as loud as a lot of the other kobe cws.  Might make me have too many red kicks but screw it. According to my chinese astrological sign it's my power color.

Yes, rockin red knee high soccer socks.

Sock police... come at me bro!
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