The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Either Rick or Glenn on the radio, is not Rick, that was Glenn Yo! But yeah he probably bit and dyin :frown: and that's for the mid season finale
^but Tara with that interim doc. Rosita probably opting for restricted free agency after learning of Abe's decision, and hoping next season will find her in a better situation.

Anyway TWD once again with the obligatory drag the season out by not moving the damn plot and separating a group that was already separated from the main. The one surprise though was TWD not dragging the reunion of Sasha & Abe with Daryl over a couple of episodes. It was so abrupt when daryl just popped up in the end with the truck and next scene all three in the truck. :lol:
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No idea why Abraham would take sasha over rosita 
Just watched the episode again...

That was definitely Rick's voice in the RV and they are headed towards him to save him.
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