Ask me anything about my race, ethnicity, nationality, or skin color

the nomad

Jul 21, 2012
A lot of racism comes from ignorance about others cultures, lets be constructive and discuss and hopefully disprove stereotypes.

I'm African-American, ask me anything pertaining to prototypes or stereotypes you may have.

NOTE: Let's have a SERIOUS discussion and generate some concrete IN-DEPTH questions and responses. If trolling is your goal please just exit the thread.
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Do adult movies with white men and black woman make you feel uncomfortable?
Honestly? If she is pretty yes, same with mainstream black actresses and white men. On and off screen. Not the fact that she's African-American and pretty, but the fact that she's a taboo to be conquered. It's just something about seeing black women being submissive to white men that's really unsettling, especially when I know her psyche has reminds her to be strong and resilient. 

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As a fellow African American how would your family feel if you brought home a white girl?
Your thoughts on interracial couples + children of those relations
Beautiful and those relationships produce very exotic children, variety is the spice of life. But if you're attracted to someone of your own background that's cool too.
No matter what you prefer just make sure it's from the heart.
What city did you grow up in? Give some situations in which you dealt with racism growing up (or whenever)?
even if said white man treats her well, and have a loving relationship?

Honestly? If she is pretty yes, same with mainstream black actresses and white men. On and off screen. Not the fact that she's African-American and pretty, but the fact that she's a taboo to be conquered. It's just something about seeing black women being submissive to white men that's really unsettling, especially when I know her psyche has reminds her to be strong and resilient. 

As a fellow African American how would your family feel if you brought home a white girl?
My family is a mixture of races, my great great grandmother was German, my great grand mother was Cherokee. I have dozens of Hispanic, Middle-Eastern and Irish relatives. Italian relatives by blood right here in New York, it blew my mind when they contacted me.

My dad is Muslim by religion so he "says" he wouldn't care, but I doubt that, my mother is from Harlem and very ethnocentric, she'd be more open than my father. I'm not close to either so their opinion wouldn't matter anyway.
Honestly? If she is pretty yes, same with mainstream black actresses and white men. On and off screen. Not the fact that she's African-American and pretty, but the fact that she's a taboo to be conquered. It's just something about seeing black women being submissive to white men that's really unsettling, especially when I know her psyche has reminds her to be strong and resilient. 



Why do you feel this way? Its normal because men of all races are possessive of their women but does it bring feelings stemming from this country's racial history seeing a black woman with a white man?

Why is it that black men on white women is a way bigger market than white men on black women?
Beautiful and those relationships produce very exotic children, variety is the spice of life. But if you're attracted to someone of your own background that's cool too.

No matter what you prefer just make sure it's from the heart.

Also a fellow African-American here.

My parents are from Sierra Leone, however, so my upbringing was pretty different from other black kids who had American parents.

Do you know/ wonder about your African heritage? & do you feel that your parent's cultural background had a strong effect on your upbringing, as opposed to the other black kids who grew up around you?
For some not attracted to black girls..although i'm african american myself..i kinda hate when my family says that i have to date a black girl, which kind of makes them more of a turnoff to me.

Is it wrong to not be attracted to most black women, or am i white washed?
For some not attracted to black girls..although i'm african american myself..i kinda hate when my family says that i have to date a black girl, which kind of makes them more of a turnoff to me.

Is it wrong to not be attracted to most black women, or am i white washed?
Is it a non-physical reason that you aren't attracted to black girls?

I would assume it is something deep rooted because typically people are attracted to what looks like them.

Also, physically, what is it about them that you don't like?
For some not attracted to black girls..although i'm african american myself..i kinda hate when my family says that i have to date a black girl, which kind of makes them more of a turnoff to me.

Is it wrong to not be attracted to most black women, or am i white washed?

White washed...hmmm.. maybe, but its your personal preference in the end that matters.Why do things to please others.. just please yourself. but in the meantime how can you pass up a superbad yella/red bone woman with a MASS so big tht you can see it from the front. and cute lips thick thighs and long pretty hair. not all of em are as dipicted to be.. you kno the sterotypes.. rachett, skank and trife.. trust i kno.
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Nothing wrong with finding beauty or attraction in something opposite or different than what you are. I prefer someone who offers something different than I am accustomed to........something attractive about different.
Why is it that black men on white women is a way bigger market than white men on black women?
With white women, it's different because she's not in a position of oppression, so for her to offer herself to (most often) the lowly thug it's the ultimate sign of betrayal to her husband, or father. This provides sexual arousal for oppressed black males. Also provides white men who have fantasies of being emasculated. There's fantasy in seeing pretty women defiled, they are often taught that their "image" is the most valuable asset she has because "whiteness" is the prototype for American perfection.  Since founding people of America were white, to see her offer herself willingly excites some.

How can't people who had no rights as human beings in this country being defiled on camera be "sexy"? 
OP, why do you like to discuss race so much? Would you like to be an activist, or you just like to tell people how you feel? Or you just like talking about controversial subjects?
White washed...hmmm.. maybe, but its your personal preference in the end that matters.Why do things to please others.. just please yourself. but in the meantime how can you pass up a superbad yella/red bone woman with a MASS so big tht you can see it from the front. and cute lipe thick thighs and long pretty hair. not all of em are as dipicted to be.. you kno the sterotypes.. rachett, skank and trife.. trust i kno.
true..but i don't there's none of what you described anywhere in my area bro.
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