NRA unveils it's awesome plan to stop shootings. More guns!

Banning the extended mags won't do anything, like I said it takes less than a second to reload. Mags aren't expensive, I wouldn't be surprised if military people start making money on the side with selling the stuff that's banned to the public raiding their supplies.
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In this political environment, having a mental health "test" to buy a gun is a form of prohibition by another name. This test would be so politicized it would be akin to literacy tests for black voters in the post bellum South.

I hear you. It would be extremely complicated.

Who would decide which disorders would make someone "fail" the test? A panel of psychiatrists? Something similar to the Drug scheduale?

Very tough
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In this political environment, having a mental health "test" to buy a gun is a form of prohibition by another name. This test would be so politicized it would be akin to literacy tests for black voters in the post bellum South.
No not true.  Just give everyone the same mental health test that police officers have to pass to become a cop.  Plus give them an FBI background check.  If they pass both let them buy their hunting rifle or hand gun.     I'd like to add a lot of employers are giving workers FBI background checks nowadays so it wouldn't be nothing  new and it wouldn't cost much to do both.  

As of now you can go into any gun store and buy an assault rifle like an AR 15 as long as you show id that your either 18 or 21 depending on what state you live in.   Thats not right their not even doing a basic background check.
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Banning the extended mags won't do anything, like I said it takes less than a second to reload. Mags aren't expensive, I wouldn't be surprised if military people start making money on the side with selling the stuff that's banned to the public raiding their supplies.
They already do that and get years in prison.    
Michigan you're right I read your response wrong and the price of mags are absolutely ridiculous right now.
Banning the extended mags won't do anything, like I said it takes less than a second to reload. Mags aren't expensive, I wouldn't be surprised if military people start making money on the side with selling the stuff that's banned to the public raiding their supplies.
Thats the thing though.  Make people have to register there magazine with there gun.  Dont let people buy more then 1 or 2 magazines for there weapon.   It wouldnt be hard to keep track of it either with how computers are nowadays.  
I'm saying the are big liberal groups such as the ACLU may not accept that.
The local affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Cranston Police Department for a resident whose weapons collection was seized while the man was being evaluated because a friend thought he might be suicidal.
It's not simple
No its not but we are paying our elected officials hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.     They get a lot more benefits and vacation time then most Americans too.   They can come to an agreement on this subject for the benefit of our country.    Its funny how England and Japan have way stricter gun laws and they hardly have any murders every year by gun violence.   Japan who has the most strict gun laws only has 2 to 10 murders a year by guns.    smh I know we  aren't gonna be able to stop all the violence but we sure as hell can put laws into place to send the trend of gun violence down.
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No its not but we are paying our elected officials hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.     They get a lot more benefits and vacation time then most Americans too.   They can come to an agreement on this subject for the benefit of our country.    Its funny how England and Japan have way stricter gun laws and they hardly have any murders every year by gun violence.   Japan who has the most strict gun laws only has 2 to 10 murders a year by guns.    smh I know we  aren't gonna be about to stop all the violence but we sure as hell can put laws into place to send the trend of gun violence down.
Agreed 100%

Just some issues are black and white to me. Such as closing the gun show loophole and banning assault weapons. Mental health issues.... much tougher. But like you said this is what they are payed for.

They have the cushiest part time job in the world 

BTW Obama is about to speak on the fiscal debt for anyone interested
Agreed 100%

Just some issues are black and white to me. Such as closing the gun show loophole and banning assault weapons. Mental health issues.... much tougher. But like you said this is what they are payed for.

They have the cushiest part time job in the world 

BTW Obama is about to speak on the fiscal debt for anyone interested
 the mental health issue  is gonna be the tough part but I agree 100%  the loop holes need to be closed and the ban needs to be put back in place for assault weapons.
That's the dumbest solution ever. I'm pro-gun, but to put armed security guards in every school in America? I can smell the "Freedom" now...

feel sorry for all the brown and black kids..

heres the story of what armed volunteers are capable of..
First time reading/hearing of this; so sad...

This is what scares me about lowered restrictions on gun ownership! Guns allow a lot of unhinged people an opportunity to feel empowered, and more often than not they don't know how to use that power appropriately. The lady in that article was a loser in life, and quite possibly a bigoted sociopath...she fashioned herself as a savior of the american way of life, and what did it get her 2 dead innocent people. 

I hate that gun lobbyists perpetrate a culture of paranoia, fear, and xenophobia. It does nothing to contribute to a meaningful discussion, it does nothing to protect anyones freedoms.
saw this on the news during my lunch break....someone pointed out that Columbine High school had guards with guns, but that didnt stop 13 or so people from dying..

honestly.....guns in schools sounds a little scary.

just tighten security without the gun part.maybe doors locked during the school day........i dunno.....the idea of guns around kids (legally?) is mind boggling ......
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This is what scares me about lowered restrictions on gun ownership! Guns allow a lot of unhinged people an opportunity to feel empowered, and more often than not they don't know how to use that power appropriately. The lady in that article was a loser in life, and quite possibly a bigoted sociopath...she fashioned herself as a savior of the american way of life, and what did it get her 2 dead innocent people. 

I hate that gun lobbyists perpetrate a culture of paranoia, fear, and xenophobia. It does nothing to contribute to a meaningful discussion, it does nothing to protect anyones freedoms.

They're mostly hate mongering savages. If they had it their way they would just mass exterminate all the colored people opposed just masquerading around as vigilantes out to protect white America and simply taking a life here and there.
Ok.. I dont want to ruffle any feathers or deraill this thread, but we have to understand why the gun laws and licensing were put into place. To keep primarely BLACKS from owning a weapon. in the beginning the laws were targeted to keep us from owning guns being we were considered the enemy of the state. Now since we are no longer the enemy of the state and the new enemy looks like the majority they want to try and figure out how to prevent these kinds of things . Well honestly I dont think anything they do will will stop random acts of violence.. Actually SUPER random acts of violence. In the hood you have your typical on going shootings and fights but not this new MASS shooting type of ish thats seems to become trendy. smh, at the NRA and whoever else thinks they can solve this one..they didnt see the majority going ape ****, just blacks and possibly hispanics. but nope there is a new beast among us.... my 2c.. sorry for the rant Carry ON
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Why the brothas gotta turn every thread into a we the victims thread? That is what NT has become. The change in demographics is astounding i'm sure Method Man's moderating has alot to do with it. Stop Crying 
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Why the brothas gotta turn every thread into a we the victims thread? That is what NT has become. The change in demographics is astounding i'm sure Method Man's moderating has alot to do with it. Stop Crying 

oh looks its carlosthepaperboy
Why the brothas gotta turn every thread into a we the victims thread? That is what NT has become. The change in demographics is astounding i'm sure Method Man's moderating has alot to do with it. Stop Crying 

The truth isn't crying.

:lol: at your SN being Carlos telling blacks and hispanics to stop crying. Jokes
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