Anddd it begins... Jordan 2012 Release fights and aftermath

Now picture far dude being strapped....bodies everywhere.
Should of known you would make a corny comment like this.
how many times has this shoe been released? i swear there wasn't a retro of this too long ago and i thought even the OGs aren't even that expensive. maybe i'm just way out of the loop.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

how many times has this shoe been released? i swear there wasn't a retro of this too long ago and i thought even the OGs aren't even that expensive. maybe i'm just way out of the loop.

this is the 4th time? 5th time? think the last time they got retro'd was 2010... someone correct me if I'm wrong.

they're not that expensive on the "limited" Nike shoe scale, but da hype.

da hype :smh:

be happy you're out of the loop :lol: I am too and it's been a great past few years without worrying about releases. **** is just stupid at this point.
how many times has this shoe been released? i swear there wasn't a retro of this too long ago and i thought even the OGs aren't even that expensive. maybe i'm just way out of the loop.

I remember getting them in 2002. Last time I ever "camped" out for a shoe.

how many times has this shoe been released? i swear there wasn't a retro of this too long ago and i thought even the OGs aren't even that expensive. maybe i'm just way out of the loop.

this is the 4th time? 5th time? think the last time they got retro'd was 2010... someone correct me if I'm wrong.

they're not that expensive on the "limited" Nike shoe scale, but da hype.

da hype :smh:

be happy you're out of the loop :lol: I am too and it's been a great past few years without worrying about releases. **** is just stupid at this point.

it was 2008 the last time they released. I feel the same way. I only bought 1 jordan retro this year which wasn't even a new release (it was the white/red XIII that came out 2 years ago). and usually I buy way more than that every year. but with this stupid "sneaker game" crap going on now, it just made me more uninterested in buying Jordans.
Laugh all you want, but being 1000% honest, it sucks I can't wear mine over the weekend in fear of some lunatic wanting them more than I do and doing something stupid.

My friend still has her 2008s with only 3 wears and she was going to wear them today, I told her not too. Its not worth the madness.
Laugh all you want, but being 1000% honest, it sucks I can't wear mine over the weekend in fear of some lunatic wanting them more than I do and doing something stupid.

you scary.  If you too scared to wear something then maybe you shouldn't own it.
4 people have died this week over sneakers already I believe, is waiting 3 weeks not worth your life? Reaching to the stars with this one.

Looks below, and sees its now 5
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Sad News from Houston

HOUSTON – A robbery involving Air Jordan tennis shoes ended with a man shot in the head and his car crashed into a house Friday in northwest Harris County, deputies said.
It happened around 10:45 a.m. in the 1700 block of Plumwood.
Investigators said two men were coming home from buying the new Air Jordan tennis shoes from Greenspoint Mall when they were attacked in their driveway. Multiple shots were fired and after the driver was shot in the head.
His car ended up crashing into the side of a house on Plumwood, rupturing a gas line. Residents were evacuated as it took two hours for Centerpoint Energy to shut off the gas.
The man was rushed to the hospital. There was no word on his condition.
The suspects got away, leaving the tennis shoe bag sitting on the sidewalk.
The Harris County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the shooting.
you scary.  If you too scared to wear something then maybe you shouldn't own it.
That's a rather naive statement. It's like if I owned a Gold chain, I'm going to be smart about where I decide to floss it out and where not to. Common sense.

So you are too scared to wear a gold chain too? C'mon homie why even go to the gym if you walk around scared. 

Either you're a sheep or a wolf.  I'm a wolf. Wolves don't jack wolves when they can easily jack a sheep.  Which one are you?
There comes a point when someone in the mass public needs to condemn this behavior and everything that this type of Air Jordan culture represents if the young population of African-Americans are ever going to move beyond zombie/slave like consummerism and acquire some self respect

What has almost 30 years of devotion to nike and Michael Jordan done for the benefit of the inner city that spends so much to keep them in business?
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Sad News from Houston
HOUSTON – A robbery involving Air Jordan tennis shoes ended with a man shot in the head and his car crashed into a house Friday in northwest Harris County, deputies said.
It happened around 10:45 a.m. in the 1700 block of Plumwood.
Investigators said two men were coming home from buying the new Air Jordan tennis shoes from Greenspoint Mall when they were attacked in their driveway. Multiple shots were fired and after the driver was shot in the head.
His car ended up crashing into the side of a house on Plumwood, rupturing a gas line. Residents were evacuated as it took two hours for Centerpoint Energy to shut off the gas.
The man was rushed to the hospital. There was no word on his condition.
The suspects got away, leaving the tennis shoe bag sitting on the sidewalk.
The Harris County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the shooting.

wwooowww...... :smh: the world is going crazy....
I'm at a loss for words, and Illest, that's very smart man, don't listen to Truth he's too far in THAT life to give you any logical advice.

No material object is worth getting your life taken by some idiot with his priorities upside down.

Truth how you a Wolf in real life, but here you hide behind multiple screen names.
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