Question For People With Kids. RE: Social Networks (Facebook Specifically)

Oct 13, 2001
I know some of you love to post pictures of your kids and that is understandable.

But at any moment do you consider the fact that these kids essentially have an online profile before they are even able to agree to opening one?

But like I said, I understand wanting to show the world your children grow up but do you think this is the best way to protect your kids?
That's weird I was just listening to the radio today for about an hour on this topic and it had me thinking alot about it.

These girls need to quit it. Not only does nobody really care but its something the child is going to have to deal with in the future. There's this girl who I went to high school with who had a baby about 2 years ago. I've never even talked to her but we're friends on Facebook. For about 2 years now she has posted literally 10 pictures a day of her kid. It's unreal as to how many people see her kid every single day. And one day this kid is going to grow up and be like why the hell are there 3000 pictures of me through out my entire life for the entire world to see.

I think it's wrong.
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I have a friend who posts about 3-4 pics a week of her kid at the table eating a meal. I know what her kid looks like and I don't even care about their meals. :x
I originally kept them off my page because I wanted to keep that part of my life private. But all of my friends on Facebook are people I've known since high school and a few cool co workers. I felt comfortable posting after I saw how regular it was/is. Nothing out of pocket is ever posted. I feel it's harmless. Some of us just want to share that blessing with those close to us.
Usually its for family and close friends that live far away.  If done in moderation on facebook I can understand it.

But its just lame when people do it for attention on instagram or twitter. 
I originally kept them off my page because I wanted to keep that part of my life private. But all of my friends on Facebook are people I've known since high school and a few cool co workers. I felt comfortable posting after I saw how regular it was/is. Nothing out of pocket is ever posted. I feel it's harmless. Some of us just want to share that blessing with those close to us.
I understand that but remember that just because your page is private doesn't mean they are the only ones seeing it. It is on the internet. So it really isn't private. Those pictures are still floating in cyberspace. It can cause more harm than good.

I already know that if/when I have kids, I have have a SERIOUS issue with my mate when it comes to exposing my child to the Facebook work. Yes, I am already going to make the assumption that this will be an issue.
I wouldn't do it with my own kids cos I don't really care about Facebook like that, but what exactly is the issue?
i havent even posted a picture of my dog on FB.

who knows what kind of strange ish facebook will end up doing with all their photos in the future 
^ I don't think there's anything wrong with posting your child on Facebook. There are those like my mother who like to see my cousins kids back where my Mom is from. Keeps her updated with what's going on at home. Post a picture here and there, perhaps months or longer apart from each other.

But more often than not girls are posting an excessive amount of their kids which gets weird. That girl I was just talking about, I went to her page and saw she has 1200 friends. Many, actually the majority by far are people like me who she's never talked to. Just happened to go to the same high school or met her randomly said hi and never spoke again. She has 700 mobile uploads in which literally 90% are of her 2 year old. Throw in few albums here and there. There's roughly 650 pictures of this 2 year old for 1200 people to see. 2 years old and there's more than double pictures of him than me who is 21 years old and has had a Facebook for 5-6 years. I'm capable of deciding who can see my pictures but this kid as zero control over It. The Internet is very powerful and in this day age you should know that you need to protect or watch what you post on it. You'd think you would want to protect your child as well, not throw their entire life out there before they can even make decisions for themselves. To think that unless I delete her as a friend, some random guy over in Wisconsin has watched a kid from California grow up from the day he was born. All because of his mother, someone who I've never even talked to. It's weird.

I believe it wa being talked about on the radio because some mother was posting their infant naked in a bath or something. Not like privates showing but yea no clothes on. And then child porn was being discussed with how many people have access to this naked infants picture. And then I thought about this girl I'm talking about... Yea I've seen her kid naked many times on my news feed. I could post it on here for thousands and thousands more to see if I wanted to. And again he has no control over that. That is messed up.
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Whats the point of Facebook if your not gonna show your kids off. Hell the point of SOCIAL media, you show whats going on in your life. As for your kids having a profile then no unless every post is about your kid.
Why not? They're your kids. What's pictures on the internet really going to do?

I post my daughter on instagram every now and then. Facebook not too much. If you don't want to see it, unfollow/hide posts.
Whats the point of Facebook if your not gonna show your kids off. Hell the point of SOCIAL media, you show whats going on in your life. As for your kids having a profile then no unless every post is about your kid.

I personally use it for networking and staying in touch with family/friends that move overseas or interstate. I don't care much for most people's day to day business/hardships/cries for attention.

Much like NT, it's a great haven for stupidity and ignorance without the luxury of anonymity :lol:
I don't have children but interesting topic nonetheless. I haven't really thought about it in those terms...

I don't see a problem with it on moderation, although I'm basically never on Facebook ad can't see myself ever going on the site for the express purpose of posting pictures of my child. Actually, I don't think I've uploaded one picture onto Facebook ever. Any picture of me on the site someone else uploaded it and tagged me in it....
Whats the point of Facebook if your not gonna show your kids off. Hell the point of SOCIAL media, you show whats going on in your life. As for your kids having a profile then no unless every post is about your kid.
Why not? They're your kids. What's pictures on the internet really going to do?

I post my daughter on instagram every now and then. Facebook not too much. If you don't want to see it, unfollow/hide posts.
You don't understand how mu
Is that really the only point of social networking?

I have a FB profile. Never post anything. I can still talk to folks I know from the past. I don't post anything, but I am still using it for a purpose.

And the kids already have an unofficial profile if they have dozens...........AND DOZENS......of pictures out there. They have an online identity.

What are internet pictures going to do? *sigh*
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Then a friend sent her an e-mail message with the kind of subject line no parent cares to read: “Oh no — it’s Gracie.”

The message contained a link to Orkut, a social networking site popular in Brazil. Someone had created a fake profile, using headshots of Mrs. Gwozdz’s 4-year-old daughter.

“They gave her a fake name, Melodie Cuthbert, and a relationship status that said she was interested in making friends and dating men,” Mrs. Gwozdz recalled in a recent telephone interview. Other Orkut members had given the profile a “sexy” rating of two and a half hearts.
For those of you asking, "What harm can happen."

From the article I sent.
Then a friend sent her an e-mail message with the kind of subject line no parent cares to read: “Oh no — it’s Gracie.”

The message contained a link to Orkut, a social networking site popular in Brazil. Someone had created a fake profile, using headshots of Mrs. Gwozdz’s 4-year-old daughter.

“They gave her a fake name, Melodie Cuthbert, and a relationship status that said she was interested in making friends and dating men,” Mrs. Gwozdz recalled in a recent telephone interview. Other Orkut members had given the profile a “sexy” rating of two and a half hearts.
For those of you asking, "What harm can happen."

From the article I sent.

identity theft before they even have one.
You don't understand how mu
Is that really the only point of social networking?

I have a FB profile. Never post anything. I can still talk to folks I know from the past. I don't post anything, but I am still using it for a purpose.

And the kids already have an unofficial profile if they have dozens...........AND DOZENS......of pictures out there. They have an online identity.

What are internet pictures going to do? *sigh*
Well that was the parents fault. Pics should be posted like 2 of a birthday and 2 of your vaca. Online identities is just a thing that happens in more day. Everyone in know when has kids has pics of their kids first day on earth trying to showcase.

In 2013 every kids now and later will have a online identity. School and work will require it. If your worried what the internet will do with those pics then just don't post anything. Everyone has been on niketalk long enough to know that the simplest pic can become a joke
It is funny that KSteezy was talking about this last night asking me why it is a big deal.

But my man just Tweeted that someone sent him an email from a "company" asking if they could use his kid's picture on their site. And the thing is, his Facebook profile is private.

So yea, be safe yall
I dont have friends on social networks that I dont really know and I still dont post too many pics of my kids. Once in a blue moon is about it, just dont like having pics of my youths floating around with all the creeps in the world these days
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