Who is the craziest human being to ever live, in your opinion?

Oct 12, 2010
I know this is an odd question. Was bored at work and started listening to psychologists interview notorious killers -- Charles Manson, Jefferey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, BTK, etc.

Some of these dudes are completely out there. No remorse. They describe murdering/torturing people the same way a normal person would describe making a sandwich.

Wanted to get NT's opinion. Who do you believe is the craziest mf'er?
Stalin? probably not

im sure you could probaby look alot of dictators from decades past and make an argument
Hitler was part Jewish, perpetuated the idea that a race of blond haired blue eyed people were dominate despite his black hair and brown eyes, and got a whole nation to rally behind his ideas despite the blatant irony of it all. Definitely gets my vote.
Anyone who has ever thought of genocide and actually gone thru with it,
There's still alot of atrocities that haven't been publicized to the rest of the world.
Definitely not #1 or even top ten but a few I thought of.

Idi Amin

Jim Jones

The guy who invented scientology
whaf did gk do that was crazy? (srs question, never heard his story)
Listening to Jefferey Dahmer, dude was beyond :x
  • Kept the bodies of his victims in his closet so he could have sex with them post mortem
  • Injected acid into the brains of his dead victims to try and turn them into "living zombies"
  • Kept severed heads in his refrigerator
  • Cannibalized the majority of his victims

He said all this with the ultimate stone face. No emotion whatsoever.

I'm glad he got yoked up in prison, as messed up as that sounds.
I LOL'd at the Ron artest photo when I scrolled down. But my vote goes to Jeffrey Darhmer.
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