10 Best Places to Live for Escaping World Conflict

Oct 8, 2002
I thought this would be a nice follow up to the North Korea thread.


Where would you be the safest if World War 3 broke out tomorrow? Perhaps it’s a grim subject, but safety and distance from world conflict can be a motivating factor in your choice to expatriate. At the very least, conflict around the world can weigh heavy on the soul, and it’s nice to know there are some places still left in the world where you might be left in peace. Thus, we’ve assembled a list of the 10 best places to live if you want to escape world conflict.

10. Switzerland

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Switzerland’s long history of neutrality and its tucked away location among the valleys of the Alps still make it a safe bet, even despite having a high number of bordering nations. It helps that neighboring Austria is also considered a neutral nation.

9. Costa Rica

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Costa Rica has a stable democracy, a disbanded military and a national policy of neutrality. It also ranks highly on the Global Peace Index, Happy Planet Index, and Life Satisfaction Index. Although it sits in the middle of a tumultuous region, there are far worse places to sit in peace as the world goes down in flames all around.

8. Papua New Guinea

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There are regions of Papua New Guinea that are still being discovered for the first time. The canopy covered, mountainous nation contains some of the most isolated places in the world. Tuck yourself away in a nook here and it may be one of the few places left where you can completely insulate yourself from the outside world.

7. Canada

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Canada is the second largest nation in the world, yet it only shares a land border with one other country– the U.S.A.– and it is a peaceful border. That means there is a great expanse to escape to, if need be. Furthermore, Canada has few world enemies, ranks consistently high on the Global Peace Index, and is relatively homogeneous.

6. Seychelles

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Aside from being safely isolated from the rest of the world in the middle of the Indian Ocean, this beautiful island nation is a great place to forget about your worries. Isolation is the key here. And conflict is as transparent as the water.

5. Finland

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Finland has a long history of desiring to stay out of international conflicts, is recognized as neutral and always ranks in the top 10 of the Global Peace Index. It’s northerly location also typically means the remote areas of this country are a perfect place to disappear.

4. Tuvalu

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Isolated in the middle of Micronesia, Tuvalu is among the safest and most remote places in the world. It is the third least populated country on Earth, and the forth smallest. There are only a few places more distant from the world’s strife than Tuvalu.

3. Iceland

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Iceland, of course, has no borders, has remote locations, is stable as a country and has virtually no world enemies. Its people are happy and the nation always ranks highly on the Global Peace Index. If world conflict erupts, Iceland is one of the few stable nations in the world unlikely to get caught up in the middle.

2. Bhutan

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Landlocked among the Himalaya mountains, Bhutan is one of the most isolated nations in the world. It also showcases one of the most stable balances in the world between moderization and retention of ancient culture. Its religious population believes in peaceful resolution to all conflict, and although it sits in a troubled region, it remains protected by its geography.

1. New Zealand

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New Zealand might be the most isolated and expansive fully developed nation in the world. It shares no borders, sits relatively distant from any other nation, has no real national enemies, has a safe democracy and a diverse landscape with many remote places to hide away within. Furthermore, it ranked #1 on the Global Peace Index in 2009.

I dunno about Canada, doe. I feel like their going to be considered guilty by association if anything goes down.
So pretty much anywhere on the outskirts of westbubblyhell. Dumb list is dumb.
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been to iceland. was cool especially the 120 degree hot springs in -10 degree  weather in January. felt awesome. no bueno there tho some wouldnt survive...

Iceland Could Ban Online Porn

Everybody knows that the Internet is for porn, but in Iceland, that may no longer be the case. The country’s government is considering a new policy that would use Internet filters to prevent downloading or viewing pornography.

If implemented, the ban would make Iceland the first Western democracy to attempt to censor the Internet. Lawmakers say the proposed measures would be justified by the fact that the ban would reduce damage and harm to women and children. ”We have to be able to discuss a ban on violent pornography, which we all agree has a very harmful effects on young people and can have a clear link to incidences of violent crime,” Ogmundur Jonasson, Iceland’s interior minister, told the Daily Telegraph

(MORE: How Much of the Internet Is Porn? Less than You’d Expect)

In practice, the ban would be something like the Great Firewall  of China, which blocks a number of sites, from pornography to politics, from Chinese viewers. In addition to simply blocking the address of porn sites, Iceland’s ban would likely make it illegal to use Icelandic credit cards for pay-per-view pornography as well.

Iceland already forbids the printing and distribution of pornography; those laws just don’t currently extend to the Internet. If adopted, however, the new ban could go into effect as early as April.

“There is a strong consensus building in Iceland. We have so many experts from educationalists to the police and those who work with children behind this, that this has become much broader than party politics,” Halla Gunnarsdóttir, political adviser to the Interior Minister, told the  Daily Mail. “But surely if we can send a man to the moon, we must be able to tackle porn on the internet.”

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/02/15/iceland-could-ban-online-porn/#ixzz2MxuR0ICC
I'd be cool with Switzerland or New Zealand, both seem like great countries to live.

Seychelles' beaches look really nice
been to iceland. was cool especially the 120 degree hot springs in -10 degree  weather in January. felt awesome. no bueno there tho some wouldnt survive...

Iceland Could Ban Online Porn

Everybody knows that the Internet is for porn, but in Iceland, that may no longer be the case. The country’s government is considering a new policy that would use Internet filters to prevent downloading or viewing pornography.
If implemented, the ban would make Iceland the first Western democracy to attempt to censor the Internet. Lawmakers say the proposed measures would be justified by the fact that the ban would reduce damage and harm to women and children. ”We have to be able to discuss a ban on violent pornography, which we all agree has a very harmful effects on young people and can have a clear link to incidences of violent crime,” Ogmundur Jonasson, Iceland’s interior minister, told the Daily Telegraph
(MORE: How Much of the Internet Is Porn? Less than You’d Expect)
In practice, the ban would be something like the Great Firewall of China, which blocks a number of sites, from pornography to politics, from Chinese viewers. In addition to simply blocking the address of porn sites, Iceland’s ban would likely make it illegal to use Icelandic credit cards for pay-per-view pornography as well.
Iceland already forbids the printing and distribution of pornography; those laws just don’t currently extend to the Internet. If adopted, however, the new ban could go into effect as early as April.
“There is a strong consensus building in Iceland. We have so many experts from educationalists to the police and those who work with children behind this, that this has become much broader than party politics,” Halla Gunnarsdóttir, political adviser to the Interior Minister, told the Daily Mail. “But surely if we can send a man to the moon, we must be able to tackle porn on the internet.”

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/02/15/iceland-could-ban-online-porn/#ixzz2MxuR0ICC

Welp, Iceland is now out of the question.
been to iceland. was cool especially the 120 degree hot springs in -10 degree  weather in January. felt awesome. no bueno there tho some wouldnt survive...

Iceland Could Ban Online Porn

Everybody knows that the Internet is for porn, but in Iceland, that may no longer be the case. The country’s government is considering a new policy that would use Internet filters to prevent downloading or viewing pornography.
If implemented, the ban would make Iceland the first Western democracy to attempt to censor the Internet. Lawmakers say the proposed measures would be justified by the fact that the ban would reduce damage and harm to women and children. ”We have to be able to discuss a ban on violent pornography, which we all agree has a very harmful effects on young people and can have a clear link to incidences of violent crime,” Ogmundur Jonasson, Iceland’s interior minister, told the Daily Telegraph
(MORE: How Much of the Internet Is Porn? Less than You’d Expect)
In practice, the ban would be something like the Great Firewall of China, which blocks a number of sites, from pornography to politics, from Chinese viewers. In addition to simply blocking the address of porn sites, Iceland’s ban would likely make it illegal to use Icelandic credit cards for pay-per-view pornography as well.
Iceland already forbids the printing and distribution of pornography; those laws just don’t currently extend to the Internet. If adopted, however, the new ban could go into effect as early as April.
“There is a strong consensus building in Iceland. We have so many experts from educationalists to the police and those who work with children behind this, that this has become much broader than party politics,” Halla Gunnarsdóttir, political adviser to the Interior Minister, told the Daily Mail. “But surely if we can send a man to the moon, we must be able to tackle porn on the internet.”

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/02/15/iceland-could-ban-online-porn/#ixzz2MxuR0ICC

Violent porn or just pron?

If its the latter, you're pretty much saying they'll be front and center in the next world war.
isnt tuvalu sinking tho?

something about global warming or climate change ...

not sure what to believe doe
I'm Black, can I still hide? :lol:

I'm Black, can I still hide? :lol:

No fellow brother you cannot hide.. maybe in Africa. .

From what I gather from my peoples who have left the states, contrary to popular belief, the world does not hate black folks like America would like us to believe. I hear the love the brothas in Germany.

I know. I was just joking. They love us in Switzerland too. I had a 6th grade teacher that stressed this point numerous times, which lead me to wonder what the hell he was doing there. :lol:
From what I gather from my peoples who have left the states, contrary to popular belief, the world does not hate black folks like America would like us to believe. I hear the love the brothas in Germany.

It honestly depends what part of Germany you go too. The hate for minorities in some european countries isn't comparable to the hate exhibited here, different types. Costa Rica ,I heard, is really nice
From what I gather from my peoples who have left the states, contrary to popular belief, the world does not hate black folks like America would like us to believe. I hear the love the brothas in Germany.
French women love us.
been to iceland. was cool especially the 120 degree hot springs in -10 degree  weather in January. felt awesome. no bueno there tho some wouldnt survive...

Iceland Could Ban Online Porn

Everybody knows that the Internet is for porn, but in Iceland, that may no longer be the case. The country’s government is considering a new policy that would use Internet filters to prevent downloading or viewing pornography.
If implemented, the ban would make Iceland the first Western democracy to attempt to censor the Internet. Lawmakers say the proposed measures would be justified by the fact that the ban would reduce damage and harm to women and children. ”We have to be able to discuss a ban on violent pornography, which we all agree has a very harmful effects on young people and can have a clear link to incidences of violent crime,” Ogmundur Jonasson, Iceland’s interior minister, told the Daily Telegraph
(MORE: How Much of the Internet Is Porn? Less than You’d Expect)
In practice, the ban would be something like the Great Firewall of China, which blocks a number of sites, from pornography to politics, from Chinese viewers. In addition to simply blocking the address of porn sites, Iceland’s ban would likely make it illegal to use Icelandic credit cards for pay-per-view pornography as well.
Iceland already forbids the printing and distribution of pornography; those laws just don’t currently extend to the Internet. If adopted, however, the new ban could go into effect as early as April.
“There is a strong consensus building in Iceland. We have so many experts from educationalists to the police and those who work with children behind this, that this has become much broader than party politics,” Halla Gunnarsdóttir, political adviser to the Interior Minister, told the Daily Mail. “But surely if we can send a man to the moon, we must be able to tackle porn on the internet.”

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/02/15/iceland-could-ban-online-porn/#ixzz2MxuR0ICC

Welp, Iceland is now out of the question.

its unfortunate to say, but iceland has a HIGH rape rate..if not the highest, in the world. politicians are hoping that banning porn in general (if not a specific one?) will stem this problem.

I have a hard time believing Canada would be safe; too close.

:lol: word. but ive always thought canada as a better country than the US. their beer selection is terrible, but other than that...can't really see anything wrong.

They tend to be neutral in most world affairs :lol:

but compared to other countries, they have the most creatures per sq mile that are venomous. box jelly fish, huntsman spiders, all sorts of snakes that will put a hurtin on you...nah man we cool of dat :x
I'm Black, can I still hide? :lol:

I'm Black, can I still hide? :lol:

No fellow brother you cannot hide.. maybe in Africa. .

From what I gather from my peoples who have left the states, contrary to popular belief, the world does not hate black folks like America would like us to believe. I hear the love the brothas in Germany.

I know. I was just joking. They love us in Switzerland too. I had a 6th grade teacher that stressed this point numerous times, which lead me to wonder what the hell he was doing there. :lol:

we are lowkey xenophobes
I'm Black, can I still hide? :lol:

I'm Black, can I still hide? :lol:

No fellow brother you cannot hide.. maybe in Africa. .

From what I gather from my peoples who have left the states, contrary to popular belief, the world does not hate black folks like America would like us to believe. I hear the love the brothas in Germany.

I know. I was just joking. They love us in Switzerland too. I had a 6th grade teacher that stressed this point numerous times, which lead me to wonder what the hell he was doing there. :lol:

we are lowkey xenophobes
but compared to other countries, they have the most creatures per sq mile that are venomous. box jelly fish, huntsman spiders, all sorts of snakes that will put a hurtin on you...nah man we cool of dat :x

^ box jellyfish? huntsman spiders? damn they taking dudes out in any arena
Don't forget about drop bears.

My homie got got by one of em. :smh:
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