Pretty sure i smelled crack or meth today

Jul 26, 2012
Was walking to my car in nyc today and two ladies were doing something suspixious in a phone booth. Walked by and smelling that prob wasnt weed. Anything happen if u amell this stuff. Smelled like the worst thing ever.
more than likely its crack, meth doesnt really have a smell.

plus you in NYC, even when you smoke it leaves your system in about 8 hours.

the fact that you are still thinking about the sweet smell of it signifies the power of its addiction seek help immediately.
Was walking to my car in nyc today and two ladies were doing something suspixious in a phone booth. Walked by and smelling that prob wasnt weed. Anything happen if u amell this stuff. Smelled like the worst thing ever.

^OP you just contradicted yourself. :rofl:rolleyes

Yeah it was def crack. You'll catch a whiff of that in the air every blue moon or so in NYC.
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