EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

There are domestic terrorist, the media does identify them as such, even if they are white.

Watch about 16 seconds of this video

that was my point fam.

zyzz was trying to say they don't call white people terrorists. i gave him 4 examples where he was wrong (and could give more if i knew more names off the top of my head)
Errbody hates the police until they need someone to save their ***.

This is true, but in very rare cases. It's usually when you need them, they are never around. Also I don't think they put cities on lock down for serial killers/rapist or whatever.

Could be also that the citizens in that area felt like their tax dollars are being wasted on them, so that lead to budget cuts, which then lead to a bunch of them being laid off, and expanded patrol areas.

A lot of the irritating things that people associate with cops are caused by conditions that the public have set up.
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What's with the American flags, USA chants, and stuff like that?

That kinda stuff weirds me out.

how does showing patriotism weird you out?

First off, people don't show their patriotism normally. Secondly, we have no idea if this was an attack on America. We don't even know the motives.

I don't remember any of this patriotism after killing Chris Dorner. Why now?
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:lol: Cmon yall comparing a city celebrating after being locked down following the aftermath of one of the biggest annual events being tarnished by a horrible terrorist attack to a cheesy movie scene now >D

Keep in mind that a lot of these morons on NT were cheering for Christopher Dorner and praying for police officers to die.
Maybe because the citizens in that area felt like their tax dollars are being wasted on them so they laid a bunch of them off and expanded patrol areas.

A lot of the irritating things that people associate with cops are caused by conditions that the public have set up.

You mind expanding on this?
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First off, people don't show their patriotism normally. Secondly, we have no idea if this was an attack on America. We don't even know the motives.

I don't remember any of this patriotism after killing Chris Dorner. Why now?

You are serious aren't you?
First off, people don't show their patriotism normally.

He was handing out flags to spectators the entire day up to the attacks. Not Patriotic at all! :stoneface:

View media item 374338
Secondly, we have no idea if this was an attack on America. We don't even know the motives.

They bombed the Boston Marathon on Patriot's Day, assassinated police, and literally locked down an entire city for a day. It most definitely was an attack on America.
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What's with the American flags, USA chants, and stuff like that?

That kinda stuff weirds me out.

how does showing patriotism weird you out?

First off, people don't show their patriotism normally. Secondly, we have no idea if this was an attack on America. We don't even know the motives.

I don't remember any of this patriotism after killing Chris Dorner. Why now?

Wait....you dont need to know motive to know this was an attack on America, two bombs went off at a marathon on Patriots day if thats not an attack on the US I dont know what is. I dont care if these were "americanized" people from Russia (Chechnya border) or wherever. The fact that you dont see this kind of unity and tremendous patriotism is why these moments are nice to see...people coming together and being proud and showing appreciation for the amazing work done by the police, fbi, emergency personnel, and a whole host of other agencies in the city of Boston this week. I would say that it sucks it takes horrible circumstances like this to bring about this kind of togetherness is a bit sad, but do you expect them to just act like there weren't hundreds of innocent people injured and 4 people killed senselessly because of this nonsense?

Chris Dorner was clearly targeting a select group of LAPD officers and had an agenda, dude may have even had a point about them being crooked but the way he went about that was completely wrong and reprehensible....and how people were defending that is beyond me.
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