Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

^craigslist is your friend. So many people try to sell camera equipment there. That way, you can also meet the person and try the equipment out for yourself.But if you were to stick to retail, I would also use b&h.
^^^Yup. Doesn't the D40 have less manual options? You can get that camera for a real good price now if you look hard enough on the net. Like less then $500for sure...

Haha! Dunks&Rice making Herc look dope. All my homies from there ould be amazed at these pics........and that water is straight nasty!

austin during sxsw
haven't seen you in here for a while, Jaw Knee C

well just a couple b&w's.. c&c please?

sophomore yearbook, gonna re-shoot this pic when i graduate and receive my senior yearbook

messing w/ the lightbox
Just started messing around with HDR photography. This was my first attempt ever at it. Keep in mind I know the subject at hand was crappy and the picture isnot balanced. However I just wanted to show you the dynamics and tone mapping. Ill keep you all updated as I learn and experiment more with it. Enjoy.

that dude's shots are amazing! how do i get my hdr photos to come out like his?? mine never look like that, that's why i never post em
time to ask for tips and hints from the hdr heads.. i've always like how qksLvrtypeS's shots came out.. any advice qksLvrtypeS, or even any pro ingeneral?
HIs stuff is cool but his HDRs are so harsh. Especially the ones in the day time. They have this evil look to it.....
Sick stuff though.....
In Montreal for the weekend. Took this from Mount-Royal.


Where can I post full res Panos online?
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