BMW drivers are jerks

Although you could just say females can't drive in general, I have to say females driving big SUV's drive like douche bags too :smh:
Camry drivers are the worst. And they all seem to dent the right or left corner of their bumper
can't park for ****.
This is very true
Man I drive a Camry and I ****** my back bumper up something decent a couple months back. Repped for the realness
M5 driver here, people automatically assume I'm a jerk because of my aftermarket exhaust SMH. I get like 10-15 dirty looks a day from old people and people with kids lol.

I actually stop for everyone, let people pass, let people cut in front, etc.....

Unless I'm on the highway and have that power urge, only then, am I a jerk lol
M5 driver here, people automatically assume I'm a jerk because of my aftermarket exhaust SMH. I get like 10-15 dirty looks a day from old people and people with kids lol.

I actually stop for everyone, let people pass, let people cut in front, etc.....

Unless I'm on the highway and have that power urge, only then, am I a jerk lol

repped i drive like this too i got too many tickets when i first got my licenses now i just drive like an old granny :lol:

unless im on an empty road or when i see other people speeding thats when i get the urge :evil:

that feel when you down shift and floor it :evil: :evil: :evil:
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