Anyone Ever Tore/Sprained Their Achillies' Before?


Sep 14, 2000
I did something pretty bad to mine tonight and am trying to prepare myself for what's ahead. Just want to know if anyone has experience with this and what it felt like when it happened and right after. I can walk right now, but it hurts and I can't put any significant weight on the leg I hurt. I think those are bad signs.
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Tore my achilles in February. Still dealing with the mental and physical impact it's had on my life.

There's such thing as partial tears. Mine was fully torn with 2 inches of separation in between. Heard a loud popping sound when it tore and it felt like someone shot a musket directly at my Achilles' tendon. Had surgery and couldn't walk for 3.5 months.
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Tore my achilles in February. Still dealing with the mental and physical impact it's had on my life.

There's such thing as partial tears. Mine was fully torn with 2 inches of separation in between. Heard a loud popping sound when it tore and it felt like someone shot a musket directly at my Achilles' tendon. Had surgery and couldn't walk for 3.5 months.

Thanks for the response. I appreciate it. And sorry to hear about your injury. Sounds real, rough. My experience sounds similar to yours, but not exactly the same. I felt more like I got kicked hard in the back of the leg and the pop was small.

Anyway, thanks again and best of luck to you with your recovery.
Tore my achilles in February. Still dealing with the mental and physical impact it's had on my life.

There's such thing as partial tears. Mine was fully torn with 2 inches of separation in between. Heard a loud popping sound when it tore and it felt like someone shot a musket directly at my Achilles' tendon. Had surgery and couldn't walk for 3.5 months.

Thanks for the response. I appreciate it. And sorry to hear about your injury. Sounds real, rough. My experience sounds similar to yours, but not exactly the same. I felt more like I got kicked hard in the back of the leg and the pop was small.

Anyway, thanks again and best of luck to you with your recovery.

Thanks man, I'm not a doc or anything but from what you're saying it sounds like you have a partial rupture, good luck with yours as well.
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Turns out I had a full tear. Just had the surgery to repair it this morning. Not looking forward to the recovery, but at least the operation is behind me:
Because the first doctor I saw, right after I hurt it, told me he didn't think it was torn. So I spent a couple weeks trying to let it heal on its own. It didn't, so I got a second opinion and an MRI and found out it was torn. I got the surgery about a week after I got confirmation it was torn.
Good luck on your recovery. In the spring of 2010, I had a full rupture on my right achillies. This happened while I was playing basketball. As it happened, I looked around confused that I got strucked with a bat. Of course, there was no bat. I got the surgery 10 days later. I was in a cast for 6 weeks. Then after that, I was in a walking boot which aids to to walk. I was walking in the boot less than 24 hours on it. Eventually, a week later I tried see if I can walk without it, and I was able to walk (I was not supposed to be walking without the boot). The worse thing about being in the cast was taking showers while trying to maintain my balance. I rehab my legs for 7 months and regained my strength and still had my quickness (especially laterally). Just make sure when you are rehabbing, work that leg the best you can, because your calf will shrink and you will lose strength due to inactivity. The other leg that you did not injured will still need work so it does not fall behind.
Dang OP. I needa get my knee checked out as well because when I attempt to dunk multiple times, it starts to ache. My left knee.
I've had this nagging pain for over a month now and I hurt a pop when it got hurt also. Def going to ask for an MRI now that I have read some of the responses here. Good luck with your recovery.
^^^Thanks, man. If you heard/felt a pop, you probably should get it checked out. With me, after about the fist week, it wasn't constant pain I was experiencing, it was more that I couldn't put any weight on my left calf muscle at all. It was like that muscle just wasn't working. If you have something like that going on, then you probably did rupture or sprain your Achilles'.
Dang OP. I needa get my knee checked out as well because when I attempt to dunk multiple times, it starts to ache. My left knee.

Sounds like a patellar tendinitis.

^^^Thanks, man. If you heard/felt a pop, you probably should get it checked out. With me, after about the fist week, it wasn't constant pain I was experiencing, it was more that I couldn't put any weight on my left calf muscle at all. It was like that muscle just wasn't working. If you have something like that going on, then you probably did rupture or sprain your Achilles'.

Good luck on your recovery, you should be getting some physical therapy, and if you are try to get a therapist that specializes in orthopedics.
Sounds like a patellar tendinitis.
Good luck on your recovery, you should be getting some physical therapy, and if you are try to get a therapist that specializes in orthopedics.

Thanks. I believe my MD told me he's not going to start me on PT until about 6 weeks out from the surgery. But when it starts, I'll be sure to go with an ortho specialist for the therapy.
good luck with ur recovery man, currently 9 months out from my surgery and it's been a slow process

just a few things to help with i can give u off the top of my head

one thing i regret a lot is using my inability to go out and have a life as an excuse to eat really poorly. i mean, there isn't much else to take pleasure in. i gained 15 pounds and in addition to the belly and slight double chin not being a good look, i'm positive being lighter would have made my rehab much easier.

for showers, i'd sit down on one chair, and have my foot up on another that had a couch pillow on it and cover everything in plastic. i'd have my foot in this cast cover that you can get at any pharmacy.

something like this:

stay on point with taking care of ur skin if u break out. i wasn't getting healthy sun exposure and just having a greasy face, skin got bad

pop ur oxy and watch wilfred on netflix if you havent seen it :lol:
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another thing, i started getting heartburn for the first time in my life because of this

triggers that i had related to my injury were...

eating right before sleeping, eating ****** food, constantly being in a position where i'm laying down instead of sitting up/standing to get my burps out and properly digest, drinking a lot when i first got in shoes cuz i was finally able to chill again.

try to sit/stand up (once ur in a boot) here and there instead of being in that 90% laying 10% sitting position
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another thing, i started getting heartburn for the first time in my life because of this

triggers that i had related to my injury were...

eating right before sleeping, eating ****** food, constantly being in a position where i'm laying down instead of sitting up/standing to get my burps out and properly digest, drinking a lot when i first got in shoes cuz i was finally able to chill again.

try to sit/stand up (once ur in a boot) here and there instead of being in that 90% laying 10% sitting position

Thanks for the tips/advice. I know I have to watch what I eat now because I was already out of shape and too heavy even before I got injured. I actually think that may have contributed to me tearing my Achilles' in the first place. I had hardly played ball in months and then played like 4 days straight in an effort to get back in shape. It was on that last day that I got hurt. Too much strain on the tendon, with extra weight on top of it.

But its definitely harder to watch what and how much you eat when all you can do is sit/lay around. Its going to be a challenge.
Man, walking around on crutches seriously sucks. I know I could be in a lot worse situations, so I'm trying not to complain too much, but I didn't realize how hard it would actually be.
I tore my achilles last December.  Just got back to playing ball last month.  Been playing pretty well too, but the vertical isn't quite where it was before the injury and the leg is still a little weak.  I was lazy with the rehab. 

My doctor did the surgery and I was in a long cast (up my thigh) for 6 weeks then a short cast for another 3 weeks then a walking boot for another 4. It sucked *** and I had to learn how to drive with my left foot haha!  **** cost me a fortune too, if I could go back I might have opted for the non-surgical option.

Good luck!
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