Spoken Word: Cause He's Black Vol Nail On The Head

Top Boy

formerly jay patt
Feb 5, 2013
Yes, another race this.. But a bit different then most.

Pretty much since I've gotten active on NT (lost old account) I've been thinking of the perfect reply to get people to understand why we are the way we are, and why we act the way we do.. Most of the time specifically towards law enforcement. Just that one perfect post that would dispel the lowkey racism you see in some of these post on general, so everyone could look at my post and say.. "Wow. I get it now."

No longer. Dude has pretty much hit the nail on the head in terms of giving others a crash course on what its like to be black in america, born without privilege.

Usually use perfect grammar in post like these, but got a full 16oz cup of my own blood in front of me and a massive headache so I apologize.

Let the discussion begin.
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Spoken word is powerful stuff man. Wish i had time to go to some performaces like i use to man..
Just felt the need to share because it was so powerful...

It was an excellent, and explains the struggles and mindsets of a majority of us almost perfectly.

Especially those of us currently trying to make it out of our situation and financial bracket.
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"Seen as problems before they're seen as people"

I just pray some day people understand.
Wow that was amazing. It's a messed up world we live in, hopefully someday things will change.

"Seen as problems before they're seen as people"

I just pray some day people understand.
I think that's the part that hit me the most.

As a black dude that just wants to do better for himself, it's extremely difficult when every time I try to integrate with society im judged purely for the melanin content of my skin or preexisting stereotypes towards my ethnic race... Which has no real bearing on anything whatsoever and makes me no different than anyone else.

About to get on some personal ish.. And this point will probably be refuted by reachers that dig up old post I either posted for the lulz or never really felt like breaking down but,

All I've ever wanted is to just be able to integrate with and be accepted by everyone. Regardless of ethnic race, background, creed, etc.

I almost dated a white girl, couldn't because her pops would probably disown her and if I showed up to her house I'd better be on guard.

Dated a salvadorian, relationship had to be kept a secret and when I did come to her house I always had to park blocks away and be ready to hit those fences in an instant.

Brief stint with a Indian chick, could only ever hang out after midnight when her family is sleep because if they knew who she was with it was a wrap.

I had a white best friend pretty much from Pre-K-4th grade and we ALWAYS got weird stares when I was out with his family in public.. Im a naturally observant dude, and as a kid I was no fool. I wasn't half as wise to the way the world works as I am today, but I still knew what was going on. It took me demonstrating I was just as smart as he was and just like he was even before his family took a liking to me. Rarely am I ever even given the chance to showcase this. Matter fact the reason why we're still not best friends now is because he moved half way across the country and I transferred schools.

I may be just one person, but these have always been my experiences in terms of dealing with different ethnic groups on a personal level. I try my best not to generalize, but this is what gives me a pessimistic attitude in relation to mankind as a whole.. Are we really so shallow that the color of ones skin is enough to categorize the individual?

And unfortunately im not foolish enough to not be aware of the fact that things will probably never change.. And if they do, I'll most likely be long long gone.
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I agree. These are truths we all know but for someone to put it to words is always good.

While I like his message, I hate that he is so emotional about it. Don't use up all your emotional capital in one speech.
Such a powerful poem...Its troubling though that some people will see that and say , "Oh that's unfortunate" and go on with the rest of their day... I hope one day I get to see a world where the color of ones skin does not dictate their character... :smh:
One of "Black people's" biggest problems.
But is asking to be treated as a rational human being amongst the general populace like everyone else really too much to ask?

EDIT: Using the term "everyone else" figuratively before anyone nitpicks.
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"Seen as problems before they're seen as people"

I just pray some day people understand.

I think that's the part that hit me the most.

As a black dude that just wants to do better for himself, it's extremely difficult when every time I try to integrate with society im judged purely for the melanin content of my skin or preexisting stereotypes towards my ethnic race... Which has no real bearing on anything whatsoever and makes me no different than anyone else.

About to get on some personal ish.. And this point will probably be refuted by reachers that dig up old post I either posted for the lulz or never really felt like breaking down but,

All I've ever wanted is to just be able to integrate with and be accepted by everyone. Regardless of ethnic race, background, creed, etc.

I almost dated a white girl, couldn't because her pops would probably disown her and if I showed up to her house I'd better be on guard.
Dated a salvadorian, relationship had to be kept a secret and when I did come to her house I always had to park blocks away and be ready to hit those fences in an instant.
Brief stint with a Indian chick, could only ever hang out after midnight when her family is sleep because if they knew who she was with it was a wrap.

I had a white best friend pretty much from Pre-K-4th grade and we ALWAYS got weird stares when I was out with his family in public.. Im a naturally observant dude, and as a kid I was no fool. I wasn't half as wise to the way the world works as I am today, but I still knew what was going on. It took me demonstrating I was just as smart as he was and just like he was even before his family took a liking to me. Rarely am I ever even given the chance to showcase this. Matter fact the reason why we're still not best friends now is because he moved half way across the country and I transferred schools.

I may be just one person, but these have always been my experiences in terms of dealing with different ethnic groups on a personal level. I try my best not to generalize, but this is what gives me a pessimistic attitude in relation to mankind as a whole.. Are we really so shallow that the color of ones skin is enough to categorize the individual?

And unfortunately im not foolish enough to not be aware of the fact that things will probably never change.. And if they do, I'll most likely be long long gone.

what city are you from?
One of "Black people's" biggest problems.

But is asking to be treated as a rational human being amongst the general populace like everyone else really too much to ask?

EDIT: Using the term "everyone else" figuratively before anyone nitpicks.

Not at all but going around begging for social acceptance from other groups, who, only care about being accepted by members of their own group, will get you treated like a doormat.
Can't relate and I'm black. Seems more like an environment problem not a race one.

Some of y'all still looking for excuses for reasons I just fail to understand.

I bet a women in the Middle East, or a Christian in Egypt would kill to be a black american.
Too much crying son...had too much emotion for me, and that's an issue imo, cut down on the emotionalism and get in tune with self. 

Like the over-dramatization of Tyler Perry characters, as black people we still have yet to extra come into a consciousness where we eliminate all that animation, and especially in this case an exaggeration of difficulties and obstacles to overcome. Not all of us, but a large percentage of us get too excited and wound up and that clouds the reasoning faculties. So much for purporting the excellence of black males and the achievements and overall progress as a race since the election and reelection of Obama. That's been a major concern of mine since Obama's been in office, there has been more negative energy directed at minorities from not only outside sources, but from people within who are steadfast with the complaints. This is what Obama said in that speech that Samuel L was so critical of; that's stop whynin, cryin, and complainin...might not be in that exact order but you get the point. 

When are we going to focus on the achievements?

Celebrate something worthwhile because life is short...and as all people regardless of race continue to learn. 
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Can't relate and I'm black. Seems more like an environment problem not a race one.

Some of y'all still looking for excuses for reasons I just fail to understand.

I bet a women in the Middle East, or a Christian in Egypt would kill to be a black american.

Depends on where they would be located and hood they in, if in a hood at all.
this man did an incredible job at illustrating the black experience through allegory.

the only people avoiding the race topic are non-blacks and politically correct blacks.
All the advantages of education are right here in the United States, and dudes have squandered many opportunities to succeed. Whether it's from not following through with athletics or not taking school seriously. 

I hate to have seen it while coming up, and the only person to blame was the person themselves, it wasn't necessarily the systems fault. Just unfocused from a dysfunctional home unit or no guidance to follow. 

Having a successful role model such as a President can do wonder for the black youth, but instead most have to hear the doom and gloom story every single day in school, or from community organizers who speak on the ills of the ghetto or urban demographic.

How can the youth feel comfortable by hearing an emotional diatribe as such?
Saw this last night, damn near had me in tears...
Everything I fear for my son/daughter if I have one is to teach them the evils of the world...
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