what the hell happened to Steve Francis?! Vol. SMH Update: turning his life around?

Yooo, why he look like an evil anime boss that's in the process of transforming into his hideous yet most powerful final form? Dude looks like he's about to explode.

On a more serious note, though, I wonder if he has some kind genetic disorder, because quite frankly only that can explain how and why he continues to look progressively worse whenever he's sighted in public. Drugs and alcohol aint enough to cause whatever that "thing" is, that is happening to him.

pr0ph, do you have the source link to the the pic you posted?

That's sad as hell :smh: .
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gotta be shopped at least a little

looks like dude's left ear has had enough with his face and decided to run away
Yall are gullible. It's def not Steve Francis. Do some comparisons. Most obviously his ears. First thing I noticed on that alien depicted are how the ears stick out at the top kind of like small dumbo ears. If you look at head on pics of Francis...his ears don't do that. Actually, they have a funny way of folding in a bit...not flying away from his head like that. DEF NOT FRANCIS END THREAD
Steve lives a very unhealthy life. Drinks, stays up all night and smokes. It really shows in his face. He was at a function here in Houston a while back and man did he look bad. My brother, his wife and their infant child tried to take a picture with him but my niece wasn't having it. She saw him and went cray. Dude is mad ugly, it's like someone took a bottle of "GOT DAMN" and sprayed him in the face with it.
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