do you dispose of the condom after having sex?

Aug 1, 2012
my friend asked who hooks up with a lot of random chicks asked me this the other day. he told me that he ties a knot in the condom so these ohs dont try to trap him 
 make sure he throws it away himself. like hes a celeb or something

i thought about it and most times i just leave it where ever it falls. unless i am in my house/car then i dispose of it. i remember i smashed this girl in her bmw and she put her kid in his car seat in the back the morning after, and she saw the stretched out condom on the floor. 
 she wasnt even mad about it still texts me
usually girls go to the restroom after so i let em throw it out :nerd: might have to think twice next time :nerd: im tryna sleep tbh :lol:
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Girl gives me a bag and I toss it in and throw it in her outside pale on the way out. No worries here.

but when i use them I have her throw it away since girls always go to the restroom after, I tell her to wrap it up in tissue like she would her tampon. 

I don't want my mom to see it, I still want her to think I'm a virgin.
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Had some angry sex with my ex once (while she was still my ex) thew the condom in the trash and thought nothing of it. She takes a pic of her holding it up and says "I could really F you up if I wanted"....

Flush it down yourself always

Imagine you smanging and afterwards she "disposes" the rubber but in reality got the turkey baster out.
I use it to flush them but I heard that it was bad for plumbing.

No I dump the contents in the toilet and throw the actual condom in the trash

Mainly bc of the smell more than anything else
I used to turn on the faucet to make sure there were no leaks. Now I just put them in the trash myself.
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