Dad arrested while trying to pick his kids up

Aug 9, 2012
A Tennessee man was arrested after trying to pick his children up from their elementary school last week because he did not follow the proper pickup procedures.

Jim Howe, 40, a resident of Crossville Tenn. from when he was arrested for disorderly conduct at the South Cumberland Elementary School. Howe can be seen in the video arguing with School Resource Officer Avery Aytes over the school's policy for picking up children.


A little commentating in this video (cliff for the non readers of the link)

The Sheriff took things out of hand and got frustration. Things could have been handled differently with both parties but damn its the end of the day for school. Dude just wants to get his kids and go home. No need to wait in a long line to pick up your kids. Just seem kind of lazy if this rule is for the safety of the kids.

Dont remember my parents having to go through this.
Saw this. What kind of a backward *** policy is this? I understand the lining up when you are driving, but when you are walking!?!
Couldnt watch video. Were the kids being held back and the dad not allowed to see or pick them up? That seems illegal as hell
A lot of schools have long lines for child pick up...they probably didn't want a bunch of people walking inside school at once. It's stupid on both sides.

Dont remember my parents having to go through this

Depending on how old you are I'm guessing there were less students...since I've graduated they've changed the pickup area, added onto existing schools, built new schools and planning new ones (just in the part of the district where I went)
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For those that can't see the video, basically the father walked into the office to get his child after school instead of waiting in the long ***** line of cars. Because he "walked" and was planning on "walking" his kid out of the school and off the grounds, the cop told him that he was not allowed to do so and must wait in the car line with everybody else.

the father is respectful the whole time, never loses his cool.

the cop loses his cool, though and basically arrests the dad for engaging in a disagreement in regards to not signing a waiver that would allow his child to leave school grounds after school, unsupervised.
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How times have changed 
Is this what public schools have become? smh

I can't WALK into the school to pick up MY KIDS?..... America is backwards...worrying about the wrong things.

We have kids making honor roll with D's on report cards, hell we have a few schools who don't even give out letter grades anymore so they don't hurt the kids feelings...:smh:
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I wouldn't be cool with 30-40 min waits either just to pick up my kids. Hell kinda **** is that?

Dude got arrested for nothing though.
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I can't WALK into the school to pick up MY KIDS

From my understanding no one could ever just walk on to any school campus without permission(regardless of what you're there for)...just like students can't just walk in/out on their own without permission or signing in/out.

Sign the paper and let the kids meet him outside?
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Then somebody needs to explain how the autistic kid that couldn't speak was able to walk right off the school campus :smh:
Then somebody needs to explain how the autistic kid that couldn't speak was able to walk right off the school campus :smh:

Obviously someone didn't do their job...

Which is ironic( considering the posts in here so far) that's what the police officer/people in the schools office was trying to do (enforce the policy)

From what I've read this wasn't first problem he's had with picking his kids up...
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That parent pick up.... Smh.. It goes down from parents hollering at each other, horns blown, fighting, cursing, music thumping out the rides, bby mothers &daddys dressing like they going out to a night club....
Very comical when u sit back and observe.... :lol:
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