Working a 9-5 sucks hOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS

Nov 1, 2009
Graduated in May.
Working actualllyyy 8am-5pm

Is this all there is left?
Get a job/house/wife/dog/church... die???????

I miss the social scene in college and at 22 I feel old AF

Anybody work 9-5 and dig their job?
Am i doing it right?
Sitting down for hours on end- how do people do this??????
its not so bad as long as its something you like need to stay busy so those 8 hours will feel like they are flying by

...unfortunately for someone like me, happiness starts with professional satisfaction so if i dont like my job, its harder to be happy other places, as being experienced now
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Dude I feel you one thousand percent. I HATED being on another man's clock and being told when to eat. I wish I could do my artwork day in and day out and sell a painting /drawing for 15000 and be set for a few months.

I was not put on this planet for a $__/hour job. It sucks. Your entire life is consumed in there. Being hungry and homeless sucks more tho.
The drop off from college to real world 9-5 is definitely awful...from being around a basically worry free people your age and a party full atmosphere but it's early.

Find something you enjoy.

I was stuck in cubicles and warehouses until 25 and now, I'm in my field of choice. I don't even consider this work. :smokin
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I'm on my 9-5 grind right now I'm trying not to get too complacent with it because well... its not fun. This is my first time working full time, and trying to keep a side hustle so I'm just getting adjusted, but I'm definitely more motivated to grind it out , save cash, and go back to my f*@#around lifestyle. 
This is exactly why I want to start my own hustle and work for myself.  I'm not adverse to working a job for a little while but not forever. 

Obviously it's not easy working for yourself, but there's a lot of guys who are no smarter than me and they're getting it independently.  So why not me?
Been on hiatus from that life for about 20 months. Now it's looking like I'll be heading back that route out of necessity. I'm legit bummed out that I'm about to be a 8-5 zombie again.
I enjoy what I do every day. Definitely beats working retail or working odd working hours for a paycheck. I'm thankful for my daily grind and extremely glad how I now have a regular scheduled job. 

Do things after work and during the week that breaks your routine. Definitely helps out.
Part of me wants to sympathize with you for working a desk job.  There's no way I could sit in front of a computer day in and day out and keep my sanity.

The other part of me would kill to only have to work a 9-5.  I'm in nursing school full-time and I work three 13 hour shifts a week on the days that I'm not at school.  Between doing both, I've had two days to myself since August.  I've seen my best friend 3 times since I started school.  I'm 26 now, and this will most likely continue into my early 30s as I go for my BSN and MSN.  Luckily I love what I'm doing.  If I didn't I would be a complete wreck.

The fact of the matter is you're still young.  When I was your age I had just finished up my first Bachelor's degree and was just realizing that not only was my degree virtually worthless in terms of employment, but that I also hated my major and didn't want to pursue it any further.  If you're not happy with where you're at in life right now I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it.  It's not too late to do some soul-searching and take a different path.

Follow your heart, papi.
I work in DC, but live about an hour away. I don't want to drive, so I take the bus there. I start work at 7, so I have to wake up at 4 to get ready for the bus at 5. I get to work around 6:30 then work nearly non-stop until 3:45 to catch the bus home.

By the time I get home around 5:30, I just want to eat and sleep. :smh:
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I work 10+ hour shifts Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday every week in a hot kitchen for near minimum wage.

Take it from me, I'd kill for a 9-5 M-F. I'd rather do that then have no social life like I do now.
I work 7p-7a Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday ain't bad but I usually sleep like hell on my days off...
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I work 10+ hour shifts Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday every week in a hot kitchen for near minimum wage.

Take it from me, I'd kill for a 9-5 M-F. I'd rather do that then have no social life like I do now.

Restaurant managers always work 12+ hour shifts... like multiple days in a row. that is some **** I would NEVER do. they do make about 6 figure tho
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7pm-7am for me, been doing nights for 9 years, I'm used to it...get home at about 7:15am eat, shower sleeping by 8am up by 1pm sometimes 12 and I have the rest if the day to chill or in some cases relax and head back in at 7pm that night again.
Better that than broke I work 9-530 listen to music in the cube all day, very peaceful
7pm-7am for me, been doing nights for 9 years, I'm used to it...get home at about 7:15am eat, shower sleeping by 8am up by 1pm sometimes 12 and I have the rest if the day to chill or in some cases relax and head back in at 7pm that night again.
damn. how long did it take you to adjust to night shifts? 

I work 8-5 as well.. I aint eem mad tho, stacking that paper >> having no job
I realized when I was in highschool working at a grocery store that that **** ain't for me.

But i'll do it again once I graduate college :smh:
I work in DC, but live about an hour away. I don't want to drive, so I take the bus there. I start work at 7, so I have to wake up at 4 to get ready for the bus at 5. I get to work around 6:30 then work nearly non-stop until 3:45 to catch the bus home.

By the time I get home around 5:30, I just want to eat and sleep.
same **** for me...i take the 5:41a z29 from burtonsville to downtown silver spring, then catch the J4 to my office in Bethesda. usually out the door by 5:20a and in office by 6:30a. 

i can leave at 2:30p but the bus back from SS to Burtonsville doesnt start northbound til 4p so i have an extra 1.5 hours to kill.
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