post your unpopular pop culture opinions VOL..JIMMIES WILL BE RUSTLED

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Some rough **** to swallow when you actually get women.

QFT. Watching some interviews on Pac, and he used to talk about how he went into the club in like, 91, and no one payed any attention to him. He was too skinny, too something. A year later he went to the same club and females couldn't sit still. They were orgasming at the sight of Pac. He said his success gave him confidence. So you can imagine how he must of felt getting shut down by Jada when the rest of the world literally is trying to swallow his kids on the dancefloor :lol:

Which reminds me, Pac didn't do it.
I made her bust 23 times in 4 mins. I timed it. She still cheated.
My wife laying next to me hungover, barely can move. I read your post out loud and she instantly popped up looking at my screen. The look on her face was priceless. 23 times in 4 mins is crazy man!!!
Your plumbing skills must be lacking or you bad with the tongue if your girl cheated on you
I made her bust 23 times in 4 mins. I timed it. She still cheated.
Women lie. Never met a chick that didn't fake at least once.
If you've never done the DX crotch chops to someone, you get not an ounce of respect from me.
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