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I've never seen a fighter that's winning the fight completely stop fighting.
Maybe they start playing keep away, but not stop throwing punches.
Bradley has a lot to learn from this fight tonight.

He gassed throwing bombs in the early rounds.

If he would have kept the same game plan he fought with in the first fight, he wins the fight easy. He was afraid to let it go to the judges so he tried to end it early. He failed, and it still went to the judges.
But after watching this. There is no way any pac fan can honestly say he has a chance with floyd I'm sorry I just don't see it. That sun has set
But after watching this. There is no way any pac fan can honestly say he has a chance with floyd I'm sorry I just don't see it. That sun has set

I come away with the same thoughts.

Pacquiao didn't look impressive, and would easily get worked by Mayweather.
You could tell his leg was messed for sure but come on bro, you can't say that on this stage you look wack. Just congratulate PAC and keep it moving, never give an excuse when the World dislikes you already. Just my opinion
But after watching this. There is no way any pac fan can honestly say he has a chance with floyd I'm sorry I just don't see it. That sun has set

I was thinking the same thing throughout the fight. Floyd would make Manny look horrible at this point.
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