What It's Like To Be In An Interracial Relationship - A Dating Thread

Like someone said earlier, I think it's harder to be in a relationship when two people are from different classes than races.

I've been in my share of interracial relationships and also relationships where we come from different classes. It's much harder working within a relationship from the latter.
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Don't make me post pics of black women bleaching their skin and straightening their hair.

What point would that Prove? That no female is content with the way they are.This isn't a battle about who hates them sleves more.

But on that note Why wouldn't the black female want to bleach her skin when black men use that blackness to rate her less.Mostly White women get perms to make their hair curly but some get permanent straighteners.
A curling iron is not a perm. I don't know any white women that put lye in their hair to make it look different. I may be wrong though. I feel like those strong chemicals will make white peoples hair fall off completely. Maybe they use a milder form, I dunno. My boy who is black got a perm, almost burned a hole in his scalp. I can't imagine that on softer, less course white hair.

:lol: white people do get perms and it's usually a no lye perm
White women DO get perms.

White perm = curls their hair

Black perm = straightens their hair.


A curling iron is not a perm. I don't know any white women that put lye in their hair to make it look different. I may be wrong though. I feel like those strong chemicals will make white peoples hair fall off completely. Maybe they use a milder form, I dunno. My boy who is black got a perm, almost burned a hole in his scalp. I can't imagine that on softer, less course white hair.

Whose talking about a curling iron?

I have female friends who are white--and two of them occasionally get their hair permed up. You're clearly clueless about the matter, and yet you insist on refuting others who actually know about it...:lol:

Like I said, when white women get perms, it curls the hair in a manner that lasts for months. The results from curling irons last but a few days, if that.

A black perm, as you aware, results in the straightening of the hair in such a way that also lasts for months.

The takeaway: perms utilize chemicals to alter the natural state of one's hair. Black folks tend to have kinky curly hair (the natural state), so a perm results in a straightening of the hair; whereas White folks tend to have straight hair (natural state), so a perm results in the curling of the hair.

White women with frizzy hair are def getting perms to straighten their hair.

They have to fit in too.
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All this was the point of my comment.

Mostly white women get perms? How many white women do you know I'm curious? :lol: I've heard of white women using curling irons but perms? That's new to me.:lol:  

I didnt say most white women get perms, I said of the white women who get perms it is mostly a curly perm, but some white women get perms to make their hair even more straighter.
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Mam, never so many feels about black women in this thread.

Im black and ihave never dated a black chick, do i hate myself?


Yall quick to throw out the inferioty complex bs to justify yall hatred forpeople not liking someone for a particular reason.

Sounds like pure haterism round here..

Word. Mogs getting their jimmies rustled cuz dudes have a preference.

Black dudes are NOT obligated to be with black women.

Eem though they do get thrown under a bus. That's the persons opinion/personal problem.

(Married to a black woman if that matters)
A couple years back this Vietnamese girl I was dating permed her hair and it was really curly. That was my first time seeing someone who wasn't black use a perm...it was pretty cool. I had fun with that hair too :evil:
We'll in glad I'm not the only one who didn't know. Maybe I should've said they don't use relaxers on their hair to be more technical.

But it's all the same, white women get it to make their hair curly, textured black women do it to make it straight.
And to be frank black women get perms and texturizers to have more managable hair, not to have white women hair but that's enough of my derailage for one thread.

Date who you wanna date

Interracial dating isn't really that big of a deal. I kind of question if the people talking about being treated differently are the same people constantly pulling the race card. I'm white and race is never on my mind. I've never dated a white woman let alone slept with one. My gf now is dark skinned hispanic, I really have never noticed being treated differently. When I dated this black chick I remember black people being extremely nice to me when I was with her but other then that nothing. Maybe nyc is more accepting? or maybe a lot of people are insecure and looking for someone to treat them different.
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