Sep 29, 2004
Over the weekend, I watched a documentary called FAT SICK AND NEARLY DEAD (its on netflix).
Watch the trailer here

This film was definitely and eye opener.

After watching this film, I looked at myself in the mirror and was not happy with what I saw. So I decided to buy this juicer

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Im going to try juicing for 20 days straight and see how it goes.

While Juicing, you can only drink the following, Healthy Juices that consists of veggies and fruits (mainly green veggies), Coconut water or plain water. Thats it, NO EATING IS ALLOWED.

Ive never done this before and hope I can stay committed.

Has anyone here ever juiced for 10 to 30 days or even 60 like the guy in the film?

Do you have any Juice recipes you'd like to share?

I will keep you guys posted with results.

And for the record, Im 5'9 and I weigh 240 lbs.

UPDATE 1/22/14

Day one (Yesterday) was pretty easy here at work. I woke up and began the morning with some hot water and lemon, this helps the digestive system.

When I got to work I had a juice that contained Beats, green apples, carrots and lemon.

Had lots of water in between meals. Only downside of this is that I had to use the bathroom every 20 minutes.

Lunch was Cucumbers, lemon, celery, ginger and spinach drink. Kinda spicy, I gotta put less ginger in it.

Mid day snack was the rest of my lunch.

Had a lot more water until I got off of work and left.

Got home and made my dinner. This one had Basil, cucumbers, lemon and celery (I think, my wife made it). Then I went to sleep a couple of hours later.

First day was kinda easy., at least at work it was. While at work I didnt think about food. It was easy because Im constantly busy and my work doesnt allow me to think of anything else but work. I think it would of been a different story if I

worked outside. Downstairs, we have Buffalo Wild Wings, Cheesecake Factory, Fudrukkers and PF Changs. But when I got home, oh man, that's where it began to be difficult. I began craving food right away. It didnt help either when I was

making dinner for my two boys. I made them soup and the smell of it was killing me. Then I tried taking my mind off of food so I decided to watch some TV to distract me. That was a mistake too. Every other commercial on TV is about food,

fast food ONLY. I was actually about to throw in the towel when I saw an In N Out commercial. Thats one of my favorite burger joints out here. Double Double with Whole Grilled onions and a large coke. Thats what I wanted and was about

ready to go get it. Then I looked at my phone and saw my motivation. I had my wife snap a picture of my nasty looking body on Monday night (Night before I began juicing). That picture put my mind back on track and cut out the cravings. I

drank more water and called it a night..

-I did notice a few differences. I was more awake at work than Ive ever been. Very minimal yawning and full of energy. The best part of my day was at night when I went to sleep. I slept sooo effing good. Did not wake up once or was not

tossing and turning. I cant remember the last time I slept this well. After every drink, I felt full and didnt feel hungy. And if I did feel hungry, I just drank more water.

-My taste buds are starting to get used to the helthy taste of the juices but my breath does kick after every Juice.

-Ive had some headaches here and there but they were short and went away after drinking some water.

Now I gotta start working out and get my butt back into shape. Gonna start with some light walking and lifting.

Is this juicing thing difficult? YES, the not eating part and drinking everything is the most difficult part. I cant snack on anything. Not even healthy snacks.

Is it doable? YES, especially if you have someone helping you out (my wife is helping me and Im helping her).

The POOP, click the spoiler if you want to know the answer.
right now its regular. I did notice that I dont have to push as hard anymore, it just comes out smooth.

This Juicing thing is difficult so I strongly suggest you have motivation and self control. Without it, some will not last.

I want to thank you guys for the feedback. Positive or negative, its still motivational. I will keep you guys updated through this process. I promise not to bore you everyday updates.

Im shooting for 30 days on straight Juicing and I hope I can hang.

I will show a before and after picture when my 30 days are complete. Thanks again.

7th Day UPDATE

Morning fellas, just giving you guys my first week update.

Today is my 7th day of straight Juicing. Its been a tough week but Im glad in still on this juice thing and still strong about it.


Theres still a couple of things that I need to learn to control. Its really tough to not eat anything and watch everyone eat

everything. The smell of other peoples food is just straight torture. Yesterday I was at a gathering where they had pizza, chipotle, jersey mikes and other great foods. It was tough to watch but got through with my water.

The toughest for me is still cooking for my family. Im ok with watching someone eat, but not ok with cooking a meal that smells great, then watching someone eat it. Sometimes I have to down my juice and get up from the table. I have

been cooking healthy stuff for them but still a strong temptation to just take a bite of my kids food. We usually have Friday dinners at my parents house and for the first time ever, I had to leave early because I was so close to throw in the

towel. My parents are mexican and we mexicans cook delicious rich foods with a lot of flavor. And at the time, I was not to the point where I can sit there and watch people eat so I left. Lastly, I went hiking for the first time ever and OMG that

was painful. I felt like I was about to die, my chess was pounding and my legs felt like jello. I did it for about 30 minutes and called it quits. I will try it again this week.

On the up side note, I did noticed a lot of positive things like,

-I am able to say "No Thanks" to food offerings. And its not because Im juicing but because I actually dont want it.
-Im craving healthy stuff like grilled veggies, fish (which is weird because Im not a fish eater unless its deep fried) and guacamole (I have no idea why). Ive even thought about going vegan but dont think I can do it.
-My clothes feels loose. I actually have to buy a new belt this weekend.
-I feel energized and want to work out (I need some workout tips please. I need to work on my belly and arms).

Again, I want to thank those for the positive feedback. I am taking your suggestions and doing something with them. I did buy some Chia seeds to put in my juices. My next purchase should be some kind of protein powder like some of you

recommended. I would like to also thank the negatives, I turn those into positives and use them when I think Im about to give up. As far as my weight goes, Im gonna go weigh my self today. I will let you guys know whats up with that.

If you guys have any questions or more feedback, please post em.

I AM LOOKING FOR WORKOUT TIPS. I would like to work out my arms abs and chest. I have knee problems so I cant do a lot of running. I have a gym in my apartment complex so shoot me some workout tips PLEASE. Thanks.

Just got work that Im spinning at a Oscar After party at the beginning of March. This would be a great time to show off what Ive been working on.




So its week 2 of my rebooting juicing and I feel effin great. I have nothing but positives and very few negatives this week.

Im finally able to sleep because I began working out.

Ive been working out for the past week straight, doing 30 minutes of Cardio and 15 of weights (trying to get them Popeye forearms). For some that might weak workout but its a start. Any recommendations on workout tips to build muscle?

Ive lost 16 pounds in 14 days. So I know Im doing something right. Gym is now part of my lifestyle, its more of a I want to do it than I HAVE TO DO IT. Feels good.

Ive began cooking healthy for my family for the past week too. They have not eaten meat for the past week and a half. Only Turkey, Chicken, a bunch of veggies and fruit. They love it.

I can now cook for my kids and be ok with watching them eat the food. Before, I felt like punching them in the face while eating in front of me. The trick is to cook the food and if it looks too good, just go work out.

Same with sitting with people while they are eating. Before, it was like torture to me. Yeah it looks good, but I DONT WANT IT. Thats a great feeling right there.

One thing Im hating is that Im starting to get grossed out by the smell of my juices, is that natural? Its only the green ones though. I have to quickly drink my juices so I wont get grossed out. I must chase it with some water

to get that after taste out my mouth. Happened to my wife too.

I feel good guys. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself and my family. I will continue doing great and definitely NOT go back to my old habits.

And again, to those who want to try it, TRY IT. Its not a diet, its a rebooting system to help you get rid of the junk and bad habits and start fresh and eating right.

Do it for a week and see how you feel. Some will go longer, some will stop after a week. IF you need motivation, your weight should do it. I was at 248 when I started and that did not look great nor did it feel great.

IF you have any questions, please ask.


Week 3 Update (I know its kinda late sorry)

So here is my 3rd week update.

Not a lot has changed since last week. I got sick on Monday night and continued till Wednesday morning. I juiced Monday night and I did not work out. I had ZERO energy and body was breaking down.

Tuesday morning, I could not get out of bed so I called in sick to work and slept the whole day. Only thing I ate on Tuesday was a half piece of toast and a lot of water. I did not juice at all on Tuesday, everything was grossing me out.

Wednesday, I juiced in the AM but felt like vomiting during lunch so I did not finish my lunch. Dinner was the same too. After Dinner, I felt like I had to throw up so I did. NOTHING CAME OUT but felt better after.

Thursday, still feeling sick but was able to drink all my juices and felt a little better. Im not sure why or how I got sick.. All that matters is that I feel good now but still have that grossed out feeling. The smell of food makes it worse.

I DID NOT WORK OUT ALL WEEK. I will tonight and get back into my groove again.

The weight lost has slowed down dramatically. I weighed my self on Wednesday afternoon and Im still at 227 lbs. On Saturday I was at 228lbs. Can anyone explain how that is possible?

Ive been working out, havent cheated so I dont understand why Im not losing weight as fast as I was. Its actually annoying but maybe you guys can help me understand.

I did mentioned that the smell of food has begun to disgust me. I dont know if its because Im still sick or because of the juicing. I cook for my kids but have to step away from the smell (And Im only cooking chicken). I dont know, its weird to

me. Funny thing is that I still get mouth watery when I see a commercial or begin to think of a nice Double Double from In N Out. I start eating again next week and I think Im going to follow Bens idea and start vegan. Fruits, Veggies and

a lot of raw nuts. Just to get things going. Ill try lean meats and fish next Monday. I'll let you know how that goes.

People claim they can tell ive been losing because of my face and my clothes. To be honest, I look in the mirror and I still see the same person I was 3 weeks ago. But I do notice it in my clothes. When I was at 248, my work shirt size was a

18 1/2. I can now wear a sz 17 maybe even a 16 1/2 (I dont own a sz that small but will go to the mall and try one out.). My Ralph Lauren Polos are a sz XL they fit very loose and can probably wear an L. Im trying to get into that Extra Medium

LOL. Maybe Im being too hard on myself but whatever, Im still not happy with what Im seeing. Theres a lot more that needs to be done and Im gonna get it done. My goal is to be at 180 by beginning of June. Do you guys think thats

possible? I will definitely continue trying and will not stop trying.

I want to thank you guys for the positive feedback and all the great information you guys have posted. To those who have asked questions, I hope Ive answered them, if I didnt, Im sorry and repost them again. And thanks to those who

have sent me a private message. Im here to share my experience and help you out if you need it.

Pics will come next for my final week. Again, I dont like what I see but Im a man of my word. Have a great weekend fam.



Yesterday was my final day of a 30day juicing and man do I feel great! After 30 days of Juicing Ive lost 30 pounds dropping from 248 to 218. From a sz XXL shirt to a sz L (Im shooting to fit into an

EXTRA MEDIUM). Pants size from a 42 to a 36. My clothes fits me loose now but I love it. This is not over yet. My goal is to get to 180lbs. by June. I will start eating solids but will continue to Juice, its part of my life now. No more eating out or

bad foods, just straight healthy and good foods. I made my own vinaigrette dressing to add to my salads. Lets see how that goes.

For workouts, I started to do INSANITY. Im doing it to get toned up. I felt like the Elliptical machine wasnt doing much for me and felt like I wasnt getting the results I want. My wife had these DVDs lying around the house and she said to try

them so I did. This feels like the workout I need.

I ate a small salad last night and felt like throwing up. It had no dressing just lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and cucumber. NO DRESSING. After half hour, my stomach began to turn and felt like I needed to let it all out. Instead, I went to work out

and felt great afterwards.

Funny thing is that I still hate looking at myself in the mirror. I still see the same person. I can only see results when I wear clothes. AM I being too hard on myself? Maybe, but again, theres still a lot of work to be done.

Thanks again to those who posted helpful advice. It really did help and Im sure it helped other too. Big special thanks to my beautiful wife. She was my chef making all my juices everyday.

You guys have any questions, please ask. Pictures will be up soon.

Ok guys, finally got the guts to post this. Again, I dont see much of a difference in the pics. But Im a man of my word so here it is.

Left picture was taken on January 21.
Right picture was taken on February 20
Sorry for the bad lighting. (please no jokes)


Quick update for you guys..

So this is an update for this long weekend i had. I will start off with Friday.

Friday, I attended a bachelor party at a pool hall and man was that tough. Before I left home, I had my wife make me a juice and I ate a salad. I knew that there was going to be a lot of temptation. When I got to the pool hall, all I saw was food. Pizzas, burger, wings, nachos and everybody was offering me something to eat. Good thing is that I pass on all of it. People were looking at my like I was crazy. All I had that night was water and I felt good.

Saturday, today was a special day because my step sister was getting married today.
I woke up, made the kids breakfast and decided to make my self some breakfast too. I diced up some turkey, tomatoes and mushrooms, made my self and egg white omelet. I only ate half of it and gave the rest to my wife. I DID NOT JUICE FOR BREAKFAST. I felt great and did not feel any different. Drank only water with my meal.


For lunch I had a salad with chicken in it (my son and I split one but he ate most of it. I DID NOT JUICE FOR LUNCH. Drank only water.

AFTERNOON SNACK- On our way to my sisters wedding, we stopped by ROBEKS and got a smoothie NOT JUICE.

At the wedding they had Spaghetti, white pasta with chicken and mushrooms and salad. I took my own vinaigrette dressing and had salad only. I had 2 plates of salad. The first plate was just salad. I was still hungry so I got another plate. This time I decided to add some of that chicken and mushrooms from that white pasta. It was pretty good but I can see all that oil on my plate. I DID NOT HAVE A JUICE FOR DINNER.

So for Saturday I had nothing but solids and NO JUICE. I felt ok but then Sunday came.......

Today was another special day because we were having a family day today. My brother came to visit us from Maryland so we wanted to take him out to eat sea food. This is how my day went,

I Woke up with minor diarrhea and stomach pains. I dont know what caused it but I think it was because I didnt juice. Not sure. The wife made me a juice containing Oranges, Carrots, Ginger (more than usual) and lemon. Also had some lemon water to help with the my digestion. Thats all I had for breakfast.

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NO JUICE FOR LUNCH just had water.

On my home I felt fatigue, weak with no energy. All I wanted to do was go to sleep. I havent felt like that in a long time and I felt weird. We had to be home by 330 pm because my son had a baseball scrimmage at 4 pm.
I did not want to go but he begged me so we went. It was a good idea to go.

After my sons game, both my boys wanted to eat IHOP so we went. I had 1 and a half of pancakes and a large cup of Orange juice. My wife had a meal and so did my kids. I felt ok with what I ate and didnt feel like it was a bad idea.
When we were laying in bed, my wife began to get a pain in her stomach. She couldnt handle it so she threw up. I was ok but she wasnt. She was kinda nervous because we were going to Disneyland the next day and she was worried she was going to be sick. She drank a ginger ale and went to sleep.


I woke up with the quickness. I felt like I was going to SHART. So I ran to the bathroom and let loose. Great, I had diarrhea. This began at 530 am. From 530 to 7 am (this is the time we headed out to disneyland) I went to the bathroom 4TIMES. My wife made me a juice to help me. I drank it and we left.

From home to Disneyland, I made a total of 7 pit stops to take a number 2. I was in pain and not feeling well. The last pit stop I had to throw up, only thing that came out was acid. My stomach was in pain and I felt like I just did 1,000 situps. We got to Disneyland and was waiting for the rest of our party to get there. For the next 30 minutes I went to the bathroom for another 4 times. These 4 times, it came out both ways.. I was feeling so weak, I could barely get up from toilet and walk back out. At this point I was going to call it quits and just go to my car and fall asleep while my family was at disneyland. But I didnt. I ate some apples and peanut butter and drank water. 10 miunutes after that, I had to go to the bathroom again and handle my business. My wife said I look like I was dying and was considering getting me a wheel chair. I declined so She bought me a Vitamin water instead (Ive never had that before and it was disgusting). People were saying I need electrolytes and Vitamin water had that so I drank it. I drank it SLOWLY Like sips at a time. Ate some trailmix and more apples with it. and felt better. By 3 pm I was feeling alot better and did not use the bathroom at all. Fel like everything was out of my system. I did not have any lunch or dinner though. Only thing I had was fruits and nuts.

My kids had this (TURKEY LEG),
View media item 824966It smelled so good but got grossed out while they were eating it. So I had to walk away.

Woke up today feeling good and made sure my wife made me my 2 juices. Im never again skipping on my juices NEVER.

The reason I told you this story is because I want you to know how much not drinking any juices has effected me. I need juices in my life and its not a smart Idea to skip them. So for those who are juicing, continue to juice. I might have made some bad decisions this weekend but I can guarantee it will never happen again. I regret majority of the stuff I ate this weekend. I thought eating fish was a good idea and it probably is, just as long as its not fried.

Sorry for the long post, again, just wanted to share my experience with you guys. Have a great week.


@Ben Roethlisberger always dropping that Knowledge.

I wanted to post an updated pic for you guys. Its actually a before and after pic. This before pic was taken January 13 2014 (Im the one to the far left).
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This after pic was taken yesterday at Dodgers Stadium. I now coach my sons little league team and yesterday was DODGER day for our league. We got to walk around the field and the only way to walk was to wear your team. I am NOT A GIANTS FAN, thats why I have the sad face. But look at the difference.
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I put this pic up and instantly got a lot of compliments. Feels good to be thin again (somewhat). That shirt Im wearing is a sz LG shirt. 2 months ago I was sporting a sz XXL.

Im still juicing 2 times a day 6 days a week. Eating as healthy as I can and leaving out a lot of carbs (mainly bread, tortillas, rice etc. )

I eat a lot of fruits and veggies along with my juices. As far as meats go, I eat a lot of chicken and turkey. Within these two months, I think Ive had RED MEAT twice and it didnt hit my stomach the right way. I did notice that my body struggles to digest the meat when I eat it and its not a good feeling.

Im still working out but not as much as I should. Im about to join a CROSS FIT gym soon so we'll see how that goes.

Hope everyone is still juicing.



Sup Guys, I want to apologize for being MIA in this thread. Bees extremely busy with work, djing and kids.

Just wanted to update you guys real quick,

For some odd reason I havent weighed myself for over 2 months. Im still juicing and eating healthy with workouts being done once in a while (not as much as I would like too) .

I had to buy new clothes because instead of getting compliments on my new look, I was getting criticized on my clothed and how baggy they were.

Im finally able to fit in a sz 36 pants (still a little too tight for my liking though) check it out,

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Next goal is a sz 32 and losing 30 more pounds.
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Loved that doc, good for you man

Hope you see the results you want to see :nthat:

Stick to it!

my latest endeavor; kale, baby spinach, kiwi, green apple, carrot, cellery, pineapple.

Idk about that no eating part tho

For those who are planning to buy a juicer I'd suggest a model that leaves little to no residue. U wanna take in all the nutrients.
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I'm not doing that one right now, although I have watched and juiced before...

This is what I'm on.

Amazon product ASIN 0062201662 

Basically taking out ALL foods that are usual suspects to cause allergies or be toxic... eg peanuts, shellfish, peppers, gluten, red meat etc.

I'm only on day 2 of it so I'll post as I go if anyone's interested.
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Love that doc too, but


I did 5 days of just fruit and veggie smoothies last year and it was an interesting experience.
what is the point of going on a juicing diet? lose weight? seems rather unhealthy to me. I'm all for people being conscious of their health and wanting to try something new but just be careful. "Losing weight" =/= being healthy.
ive done a 3 day juice want to prepare your body for it tho. for instance...a week before you start the juicing, start eating salads and drink a lot of water. people who eat like crap (fast food, etc..) and just jump into the cleanse really have a hard time cuz they basically shock their system and their mind/stomach want food. by eating veggies/salads (clean eating), you will prepare your body for whats to come.

first day is gonna be tough...for me, it wasnt too bad because like i said, i was preparing myself for the cleanse. but you might get a headache. second day was easier and it was just routine for me. I honestly could've gone longer than 3 days but I bought some juicing cleanse kit which only last 3 days. you are gonna flush out a bunch of stuff. lol. I felt great after the juicing. my body felt renewed and my mind was just clear/focused.

for juicing, I bought myself a vitamix. I looked into getting a juicer but the prep work and clean up just looked long and tedious. I have friends who have juicers and they say it takes them about an hour to prep and clean. with the vitamix, I just throw everything into that bad boy. takes like 5 minutes top to prep and juice. and 2-3 minutes to clean the blender.

for my smoothie/juice...I used to put everything in there. kale, spinach, char, carrots, ginger, apples, lemon, banana and it was good. but now I keep it simple...kale, spinach, apple, and banana every morning. my digestive system thanks me for it.

Good luck OP.
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I juiced this morning with my bullet blender. Don't have the space for a legit juicer at the moment but that thing moves well. Added a scoop of Amazing Grass' wheatgrass (non-gmo, organic, etc.), an orange and a granny smith apple. Would've been miserable drinking the wheatgrass without the fruit but it was decent. Would normally use grapes or berries there too, but didn't have any.
what is the point of going on a juicing diet? lose weight? seems rather unhealthy to me. I'm all for people being conscious of their health and wanting to try something new but just be careful. "Losing weight" =/= being healthy.

Thanks for the concern man. I know I need to be careful and make sure Im not doing anything wrong. There are some side effects like headaches, dizziness and other minor effects but nothing life threatening. And the reason(s) Im doing it is

1. you clean out all the bad crap from your body.

2. Yes, lose weight.

3. Will make me feel good again.

It actually is healthy because youre eating all the right stuff. Its just all blended into a juice instead of physically eating it.

Id would rather much drink all of this instead of eating all of this
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You can juice and eat, but since you are overweight I guess just juicing will quicken your weightloss
I'm 5'9 and currently 223lbs, I was 230lbs on January 1st.

Good luck to you OP, I know myself and I got to chew on something. I don't juice, but i drink a protein shake for lunch everyday and have been working out twice daily for the past couple weeks. I'm not really trying to get "heathly" per se, just want to look better naked. 8)
Saw the thread title and was going to reccomend you watch that documentary. Its really goo.d
lol @ cleanse.
lol @ juice diet.

just decrease your caloric intake and reduce the amount of unhealthy foods. increase your expenditure of calories. das it mane.
People want to make it seem like "burn more calories than you put in" is so simple, like America isn't obese

Good luck OP hopefully it jump starts a healthy lifestyle once you see the lbs drop
Juicing seems like a gimmick to me....just eat lean and stay away from sugars, even natural sugars try to fruits...basically veggies and lean meats.
lol @ cleanse.
lol @ juice diet.

just decrease your caloric intake and reduce the amount of unhealthy foods. increase your expenditure of calories. das it mane.
Cleansing ain't even about dieting fam.

Its about seeing what allergy/inflammatory foods affect you negatively. You will lose weight doing it however the point is to flush the system of those foods and reintroduce them 1 by 1 to find out how those items affect you individually.
People want to make it seem like "burn more calories than you put in" is so simple, like America isn't obese

Good luck OP hopefully it jump starts a healthy lifestyle once you see the lbs drop

it's very simple and yet difficult to do, especially if poor eating habits are ingrained. i'd like to see the OP succeed in making a change also but these fad, ultra low cal diets are unnecessary.
Calories in/calories out = weight loss

Eat clean and get yourself to workout/exercise. That easy (srs)
You're setting yourself up for failure if you go for long periods of time keeping your calories crazy low. You'll hit a plateau and you'll have nowhere to go. Juicing also takes all of the fiber out of the fruits and veggies. Why not just go vegan and incorporate things like beans, nuts, and other grains so that you're not neglecting your other macronutrients? If you want to do the challenge of not eating for 20 days, just buy a good blender and drink your meals while getting the same benefits as you would just eating them.
People want to make it seem like "burn more calories than you put in" is so simple, like America isn't obese

Good luck OP hopefully it jump starts a healthy lifestyle once you see the lbs drop

it's very simple and yet difficult to do, especially if poor eating habits are ingrained. i'd like to see the OP succeed in making a change also but these fad, ultra low cal diets are unnecessary.
IIFYM, IF, Paleo .. are those fads?
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