Ya'll Hawkeye haters...are haters!!

Anywayz, some stuff regarding this film and phase 3
"At the end of Age of Ultron Cap will assemble a team that is a mix of familiar and new faces, leading forward into Phase Three
Now, this is an end of the movie cameo. This isn't a big part of the movie. This new version of The Avengers isn't involved in an action sequence or anything. So changing the characters can be done up until the last minute without hurting the story itself. What this bit accomplishes is basically pointing the way to Phase Three, saying "These characters will be important."
If it's just the faces we've already seen then no surprise.

I want a real revamp eventually. They got one more chance with Thor, I feel they can swap out Cap, and RDJR seems to be winding down so IM can fall back
If it's just the faces we've already seen then no surprise.

I want a real revamp eventually. They got one more chance with Thor, I feel they can swap out Cap, and RDJR seems to be winding down so IM can fall back
I believe Hemsworth is gonna play Thor for a while, and I feel RDJ isn't done yet. He'll be back if Marvel wants him back.
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Just to troll, I hope Hawkeye is the one who kills Ultron.

A few of you might just drop dead. LOL.

And, speaking of future casting, I'd rather see new ppl play new characters instead of them playing the same characters.

Ej. If they can't get the same guy to play Cap, then roll with Dr Strange for a little while or something.. Unless they have the guy who plays Bucky become Cap. That'd be a cool arc.
If there's a new actor playing an old character I want a reason why :lol:

I don't want them to "fresh prince mom" the guys :lol:
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Yeah, I was thinking they could come through with some bs excuse with the infinity gauntlet or specifically the reality gem.
I believe Hemsworth is gonna play Thor for a while, and I feel RDJ isn't done yet. He'll be back if Marvel wants him back.
He has been droppin hints that he would be willing to do a 4th IM

If there's a new actor playing an old character I want a reason why :lol:

I don't want them to "fresh prince mom" the guys :lol:
Works with James Bond and could easily work with any successful franchise. Many people have been replaced already with no complaints (blond guy from the warriors three and War Machine)

I'd buy that. Any explanation is better than "I hope they don't notice" :lol:
lol. I loved that intro

That show had the best 4th wall breaks. If Marvel had the rights to X-Men I would want a Deadpool cameo just for that :lol:

Deadpool looks at Tony and says "Gee Tony, you look a lot younger in this movie, must be the moisturizer"
Both stare at the camera


Cap forming his own team of avengers at the end huh?

....Civil War lets goooooooooo!

A civil war about what since they dont have secret identities in this universe? 9 characters fighting each other is not a war.
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I just realized Joaquin Phoenix has a prominent nose. Really didnt see it in Gladiator. In fact his whole headshape looks different. He looked more like Dr. Strange back then

Also they have too much of a hard time finalizing these deals lately for that to be completely true.
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Before I am hit with the Tony can't break the 4th wall garbage

View media item 1155506
This was because the artist/writer made a mistake. Not cuz Tony actually breaks the 4th wall on occasion.

And that's not real breaking the 4th wall anyway. You can see Deadpool for that. That was just more meta addressing the audiences concerns which isn't really necessary unless you thought it was really funny.
I just realized Joaquin Phoenix has a prominent nose. Really didnt see it in Gladiator. In fact his whole headshape looks different. He looked more like Dr. Strange back then

Also they have too much of a hard time finalizing these deals lately for that to be completely true.
:lol: @ talking about Joaquin's nose like any of that **** matters.

Strange's defining look is his graying temples and goatee. He's any other white dude other than that. You don't need to find actors that look exactly like the comic versions, especially when their looks change from artist to artist.
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is this real life?? damn vision looks pretty bad ***.... if we could only remove the asian guy in front of the poster.
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