What you mean explanation for it? Have you not been reading the posts in the thread? When it was brought up I directly addressed it and when I asked for specifics and details, guess what? They were provided and I addressed that too.

I ask you about your Max Landis nonsense you go ghost, I try to clarify that Osborn rumor in Avengers you go ghost, ignore it and then bring it up in another post anyway :lol: Then after a few replies you just repeat all the same garbage you brought up the first time around with more nonsense added like video game characters added and then say other ppl are arguing in circles and that your points aren't being understood or ignored when they were all directly addressed.

You just throwing **** at the wall and waiting to see what sticks.

Please restate your explanation for Sony working with Marvel on the VFX for guardians again. I don't remember seeing your explanation but I may have over looked it.

I posted the article from E everysingletime that included the max landis tweets already but here it is again http://moviepilot.com/posts/2014/09...e-i-said-it-2243729?lt_source=external,manual

You can google oscorp in avengers and find plenty of articles mentioning that it almost happened. There are a couple but they all site the almighty Latino Review as the source....are you going to discredit them? Because there track record is impeccable, like told you thanos was in avengers a year before avengers dropped impeccable...

The next 5 Marvel movies will air on TNT two years after their release dates
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If Sony was allowed to "help" in the visual arts dept, it would be so they learned how to do it.

Lizard and Electro :x The entire last 30 mins of ASM 2 :x
I thought the visuals was actually one of the best parts about ASM2.


Don't een get me started on the generator scene

I hope you mean "ASM 2 sucks so bad that the visuals are one of the best parts" and not "The visuals are the best part of this good movie"
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Ever since I saw that I keep thinking he coulda saved her. Like webbed her face to stop her head from snapping back or maybe shot a web upwards from the other arm to catch himself higher up rather than waiting to catch that bar. I guess he cant do it all but that ish made me sad 
Because there is nothing wrong with it. He's just repeating things he heard from other boards
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lol. What other boards. I dont go on other boards. The visuals are garbage. I doubt people in these other boards would be saying it if it aint true as well.
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What you mean explanation for it? Have you not been reading the posts in the thread? When it was brought up I directly addressed it and when I asked for specifics and details, guess what? They were provided and I addressed that too.

I ask you about your Max Landis nonsense you go ghost, I try to clarify that Osborn rumor in Avengers you go ghost, ignore it and then bring it up in another post anyway :lol: Then after a few replies you just repeat all the same garbage you brought up the first time around with more nonsense added like video game characters added and then say other ppl are arguing in circles and that your points aren't being understood or ignored when they were all directly addressed.

You just throwing **** at the wall and waiting to see what sticks.

Please restate your explanation for Sony working with Marvel on the VFX for guardians again. I don't remember seeing your explanation but I may have over looked it.
No. Go back and read it yourself. It's directly after the link is posted and then again with a full quote posted.

I posted the article from E everysingletime that included the max landis tweets already but here it is again http://moviepilot.com/posts/2014/09...e-i-said-it-2243729?lt_source=external,manual
Did you write that? :lol:

Took me a while to scroll down to it but that part really wasn't anymore than what you said. Landis isn't affiliated with SONY or Marvel. Tweeted sine hearsay, he deleted it and blamed it on angry e-mails.

The part about SONY struggling again was a more compelling argument than anything. Made me go back to the only way this goes down is if Disney purchases SONY.

You can google oscorp in avengers and find plenty of articles mentioning that it almost happened. There are a couple but they all site the almighty Latino Review as the source....are you going to discredit them? Because there track record is impeccable, like told you thanos was in avengers a year before avengers dropped impeccable...

I don't need to discredit Latino Review when it's already widely discredited by their credible peers. Osborn thing was just a rumor.
Looked it up, Disney purchased Pixar for 7.4 billion in 2006, Marvel for 4 billion in 09, and most recently Lucasfilm for 4 billion in 2012.

Given their recent spending history, buying out Sony Pictures one day doesn't seem too crazy..

Personally, if they had that kind of spending money, I would've skipped Lucasfilm and bought out Sony. Pssh Star Wars lol (hi CP)

Objectively speaking, money wise they can probably buy Sony right now, but the question is, do they want to.

Pixar has dominated the animation industry for a decade, they gambled on Marvel and Marvel is kicking *** in the comic book movie genre, and I bet they think the time is ripe to reboot star wars and make a juggernaut out of that too.

They probably see Sony struggling and thinking that they'll wait on that lol
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Sony is a conglomerate. Im pretty sure they are worth a lot more than any of those three companies.

ROI is king in the investment world. Companies leave money on the table when they can make purchases that will increase their revenue but decrease their ROI. Buying Sony will not have that kind of ROI
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Also Japanese companies can't be owned by American companies. Its their law. Even if Sony was going bankrupt they'd need to be bought by a Japanese corp.
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I wonder how they'll bring back the Red Skull. I feel like they'll have it related to Thanos. Either way, the Red Skull should be involved in Cap's eventual death or whatever.
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Wow. Didn't know about that law. Welps. Well that Spidey hurdle just got higher...

And yea sony's price is probably significantly higher

And what's ROI
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