intellect <<< leadership

tony is smart but has no leadership abilities

if all it took was IQ, chris paul wouldnt be a failure at life 
This is nonsense. Given the choice you take intellect every single time.

I don't need to lead ppl if I'm smarter than all of them combined.
you're not going to get far in life 
Assuming I haven't already

i.e. : You made the wrong choices in life..
have you? 
On paper Tony's squad is stronger

But you can't go against freedom and America

I don't think either squad will actually "win" anyway
If Tony's side doesn't clearly take an L I'm going to be sorely disappointed. I might post porn and get myself banned.

None of this stalemate crap, please
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have you? :nerd:
Yes I have. Still on the path taking me quite far.

Have you made the right choices in life?
On paper Tony's squad is stronger

But you can't go against freedom and America

I don't think either squad will actually "win" anyway
Unless that other side isn't standing for freedom and America.

Ideally, they fight, there's no clear winner cuz of the actual big bad. While it's adapting the event this always seemed like it's going to end like a Marvel team-up where the heroes fight cuz of a misunderstanding or rumor or cuz they first met then they team up to beat the bad guy.

Only difference is we'll be living in a MCU with a dead Cap.
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If Tony's side doesn't clearly take an L I'm going to be sorely disappointed. I might post porn and get myself banned.

None of this stalemate crap, please

I agree but I'm being realistic.

I don't think they will have one team clearly lose with the next ensemble movie being IW.
:lol: Some of yall want him to be shown at this point and others don't at all.

I still expect by end of March or April for a new/final trailer or promo showing just enough of Spidey to get Civil War to do over 2 billi.
If it helps the movie do numbers, I wouldn't want them to show Spidey in trailers. Make people have to see the movie to see him. But people would just leak it anyway.

With that said, I think the final trailer should end with Tony and Steve telling Spidey to make a choice and Spidey just kinda standing there with his down not knowing which side to choose
If it helps the movie do numbers, I wouldn't want them to show Spidey in trailers. Make people have to see the movie to see him. But people would just leak it anyway.

With that said, I think the final trailer should end with Tony and Steve telling Spidey to make a choice and Spidey just kinda standing there with his down not knowing which side to choose

Some things need to be saved for the movie. This is one of them. I was pissed they showed Falcon in the Ant Man trailer. They don't need Spidey in thebtrsilrrd but I can see them doing it.
the Spider-Man thing is weird. i honestly didn't think it'll be this long before we saw him but i love it.

Part of me thinks Marvel is gonna pull some pretty **** and drop a trailer the day BvS comes out and have him in it :rofl:
That would be funny :lol:

I assume opening night a lot of ppl would go see that movie so it'd equal the most eyes on the trailer for the next Marvel movie 2 months later.
why would marvel want fans to buy tickets to a DC movie to see their trailer? 


If anything, I'd drop the a new trailer with Spidey at the most hot/popular time of movie goers.

Scratch that.

In fact, I wouldn't even say a time. I'd just release the date or the weekend that it will drop and have everyone at home waiting for it lol.

Take that BvS!
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