I really think Marvel can't do no wrong at this point. Not even mad about all this TV series.

IM3 was horrendous. Liked Thor 2 but most of the people don't.. they have so many movies and TV series going on, you kinda forget to over analyse each and every one of them and find yourself waiting for the next title/show
You know, I rewatched IM3, before the SuperBowl was on, and it wasn't too bad. Minus Pepper turning into a superhero, and the liberties they took with the extremis storyline. I didn't even care about the Mandarin thing because I think he's a lame villain in general. I was entertained. I couldn't say that about IM2
Marvel will eventually slip up it happens to the best of them, the greatest director's an producers make duds from to time.Usually after a string of hits.

Also yall got to understand the perfect storm of factors that go into making hit movies. Alot id times these slips are for lack of trying sometimes the execution just doesn't pay off.

I'm really am curious when they end this cinematic universe. I get the feeling and Strange are gonna be the defadefactoeaders of new avengers after the events of IW. Will the character's from TV/netflix ever make a appearance?

my worry is that eventually directors will move on and disney will want more cap/iron man etc to push merch.

Look at pixar which was marvel before marvel and disney pushed for cars 2 and planes cause though not their best work, it made money.
law3001 law3001

Haven't they already had slip ups?

Cap 1 which I liked but many people thought it wasn't that good. IM 2 & 3 are always brought up as bad MCU movies.

If you are talking about a straight up box office bomb, I don't think that would/could ever happen.
A box office bomb no, but neither was kingdom of the crystal skull. A bomb in that regard critically would hurt them. Right now they credibility amongest fan boys and casual folks.

Also when you talk to most casual moviegoers they liked IM 2 and 3. No one liked Crystal skull lol.

Like black panther and dr strange need to succeed to anchor phase 4. The same way if guardians of galaxy didn't do well then there would be no ihumans or captain marvel.
The og Sideshow Vader was actually my very first 1/6th figure and I remember telling my gf at the time that I thought it was cool but since it was "doll", I was just buying him and I'd be done :lol:

Righhhhhttt :lol:

This is a terribly expensive hobby bro...lol

Did you get R2?

Mines ships tomorrow...thought of canceling but I'm gonna keep it

Yeah, mine should get charged/shipped before the weekend as well. Would've been nice for them to get Star-Lord in as well so they could've shipped it together but these damn shipping dock delays :lol:
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Marvel will eventually slip up it happens to the best of them, the greatest director's an producers make duds from to time.Usually after a string of hits.

Also yall got to understand the perfect storm of factors that go into making hit movies. Alot id times these slips are for lack of trying sometimes the execution just doesn't pay off.

I'm really am curious when they end this cinematic universe. I get the feeling and Strange are gonna be the defadefactoeaders of new avengers after the events of IW. Will the character's from TV/netflix ever make a appearance?

my worry is that eventually directors will move on and disney will want more cap/iron man etc to push merch.

Look at pixar which was marvel before marvel and disney pushed for cars 2 and planes cause though not their best work, it made money.
They already have
That trash *** movie gotg
Movie was booty cheeks
Hard to consider that a slip up though when it ended up as the highest grossing movie domestically last year :lol:,personal opinions and all. It was so successful that they got the green light for a sequel just a week or two after release.
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Hard to consider that a slip up though when it ended up as the highest grossing movie domestically last year :lol:,personal opinions and all. It was so successful that they got the green light for a sequel just a week or two after release.
Movie still sucked though
GOTG was awesome except for the way they beat Ronin.

I agree. Ronan could've been a top villain in this whole MCU but his final 30 seconds just destroyed what they built him up to be the entire movie :smh:

GOTG still top three to me though. It's crazy watching Winter Solider and GOTG back to back and knowing they take place in the "same" universe too.
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When he killed Thanos' personal assistant, I was like whoa did this dude just do this. Wanted to see Thanos do somehong about it.

I like that Marvel has every level covered. They have people in space, super powered people on Earth, the street level netflix people who deal with crime and smaller stuff, and the regular people of shield. There's levels to this.
Lasseter was a big part of why Pixar was king for like a decade, but then when Disney bought Pixar it forced him to split his focus.

It's probably not a coincidence that when Disney made Lasseter chief creative officer at Disney that the Disney animated movies started getting good again and Pixar has become second banana

My point: as long as Feige is at the helm at marvel, they should be good. He's their glue. The moment he leaves or they force him to split his focus or priorities that's when Marvel might start 'slipping up'
Hes been saying he aint directing anything. I expect Feige to continue executive producing with Joss Whedon underneath him.

Feige will be planning and prepping the universe and Joss Whedon Ironing out the kinks.
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Never said Feige directed anything, said he was the 'glue guy'

As Marvel president , it's his job to see the big picture and make sure all the directors and producers are on the same page

That's really important especially with Disney's model that everything shares the same universe.

It'd be so much harder at Pixar if they had to make all those movies share the same universe too - they have an easier model
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The trio of Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime > traditional tv

I only use traditional TV for national televised games these days

For shows definitely

I way watch way too many sports though. That's the #1 thing I watch
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