I ain't bullying anyone. She's been a jackass and the bully since she stepped foot in strikeforce.
Rousey as CM? 
I'm mean of course I agree that she'd be a terrible cast for any major roles.  But homie said ugly, pos.  :lol: 
I wouldn't watch a captain marvel with rousey because she hasn't had a major or minor acting role yet. Cameo don't count as acting ability

maybe she could ACT like she wanted to fight cyborg.............#petty
At first I was only like 'Yea, she might be a dark horse just based off of how she conducts interviews' but now I'm hoping she makes it just to see the thread implode :rofl:
Lets be honest....im not exactly clamoring at the opportunity to watch the film in general. Ima treat it like i treated antman. Wait a week or two go at 9 am and hope to be entertained
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Why Vision?

He is OP in the MCU so if he dies there's no hope for the rest of the heroes

one of the Gems needed for the infinity gauntlet is attached to his forehead. Thanos wants it and Vision aint gonna give it up = Death.

Not like it's gonna stop Cap from getting the hands. Comic Book Captain America had freaking Hercules, Wolverine, and Storm and is still the one that not only lost the war, but ended up riddled with bullets in front of a courthouse.

which Civil War run do you speak of? in the 2006 run he wasnt riddled with bullets. i just got issue #5 of the 2015 Civil War but havent read it yet. that one?

still Rogers>Stark.

also the Wolverine suit was shown in The Wolverine at the end when he gets on the plane.

idc what anyone says, these characters NEED to be in their suits. ill never be satisfied with the XMen movies until that day.

i remember when they said it wouldnt work on screen but imagine Spiderman, Superman and countless others with no suit. its stupid if you ask me. thats one of the reasons i couldnt get into Smallville. i dont wanna see dude running around every episode in a blue/red flannel. that **** was whack b.

blue/yellow XMen or die!

the setting of Age of Apocalypse is the perfect movie to do it in because of the timeline as well. the outlandish bright colors oh man!
Why Vision?

He is OP in the MCU so if he dies there's no hope for the rest of the heroes

one of the Gems needed for the infinity gauntlet is attached to his forehead. Thanos wants it and Vision aint gonna give it up = Death.

Not like it's gonna stop Cap from getting the hands. Comic Book Captain America had freaking Hercules, Wolverine, and Storm and is still the one that not only lost the war, but ended up riddled with bullets in front of a courthouse.

which Civil War run do you speak of? in the 2006 run he wasnt riddled with bullets. i just got issue #5 of the 2015 Civil War but havent read it yet. that one?

still Rogers>Stark.

View media item 1757978

Literally the aftermath/epilogue of Civil War deals with Captain America being killed :lol:
Maybe she hasnt been great or had limited lines in her movies. but she's been in movies for a couple of years now. im sure she's been getting trained in acting for longer than the 3/4 years til when this movie comes out.

will smith started in 1990,
his first serious major movie role enemy of the state was 1998. (when was bad boys 1?)

thats only 8 years and they gave him a chance...

I dont count the fresh prince as acting mastery on his part...
he was 1/3 himself. 1/3 comedic 1/3 acting/dramatic

Give her a chance.
first major female role or not it's not like Captain Marvel is as Iconic as Wonder woman, so I dont expect people to really expect the best and brightest.
and again she'll have the other heroes in her movie... no way it's only goign to be about her.

I was going to rep you for backing me up. But then you had to follow up that post with this.

Lets be honest....im not exactly clamoring at the opportunity to watch the film in general. Ima treat it like i treated antman. Wait a week or two go at 9 am and hope to be entertained

For shame, Tdogg

Hopefully Captain Marvel can be seen giving 'Daisy' the fade in IW 2

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View media item 1757978

Literally the aftermath/epilogue of Civil War deals with Captain America being killed :lol:

which series is that from though? and was it at the hands of Tony? the 2006 run Iron Man got the best of him the first fight but Cap came back and put the beats on him the second go round and was about to kill him with one final blow with the shield until he was held back by civilians and came to his senses.

still Rogers>Stark.

i cant arrogant ******** in real life like Stark, my opinion doesnt change in the comic world either.
Man ya'll need to stop. Just because she's fit for the role, doesn't mean she deserves a chance. The *** can't act, and that wont change.
View media item 1757978

Literally the aftermath/epilogue of Civil War deals with Captain America being killed :lol:

which series is that from though? and was it at the hands of Tony? the 2006 run Iron Man got the best of him the first fight but Cap came back and put the beats on him the second go round and was about to kill him with one final blow with the shield until he was held back by civilians and came to his senses.

still Rogers>Stark.

i cant arrogant ******** in real life like Stark, my opinion doesnt change in the comic world either.

Like I said, it's in the aftermath of Civil War, collected in a graphic novel that's titled the Death of Captain America :lol: No Tony wasn't the one who killed him. The ****? That'd make zero sense and look terrible.

And Tony was about to kill Cap in the first fight before it was interrupted, just like the second fight was. So what you're saying is fairly inaccurate. At best, it says that out of two fights one came out on top once and the second came out on top once.

So to repeat what I said, comic book Captain America had more firepower than the film version does, still lost the final battle, lost the war, and ended up dead in front of a courthouse.
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1. It's Marvel people are going to watch and CM can have either Guardians in her movie and/ or Avengers....
2. she has 3/4 years to train in acting...
3. she's a hard worker
This is nonsense.

Who gives a **** if she's a hard worker? :lol: :lol: @ she has 4 years to learn how to act.

4. If it's not going to be Emily Blount.... (which i didnt want anyway)
The situation isn't Emily Blunt or bust.

There are other actresses that can fit and play the role.
then who cares...
That's the problem, you don't care so it makes sense to you to suggest any trash.
I don't give a damn.
Then don't watch the movie and spare us this bad reasoning

no one thought Rudd was going to be a good antman....

You can see how well that did.
This is a lie. Straight up revisionist history.

You talking like Paul Rudd hasn't been an actor for like over 20 years :lol: Comparing a few ppl (it wasn't no one) not thinking he could be a superhero to Rousey who can't act is ridiculous. Same goes for mentioning Will Smith like he didn't actually take the time to learn the ins and outs of the craft, plus his first movie wasn't a multi million dollar blockbuster :lol:

Also Vin Diesel isn't a good actor. Son has managed himself in a movie star position but it's not like he was just given fame with a big movie. Son is popular now in his late 40s/50s

Channing Tatum didn't come from nowhere. He was in a bunch of trash movies at the start of his career and got better as an actor. His good looks also helped him get to be a leading man.

These comparisons are so bad right now :smh:
People can always improve as an actor.

We'll see if she can get it done in time for Captain Marvel.

It's already been said but yall would be terrible at casting for movies.

Nobody looks at random celebs who are unestablished actors with no body of work and say lets hope she can be better at acting in a few years when we're going to do the movie.

This Rousey suggestion is making less sense as we go on. It's like what? Yall don't know of any other actresses in the business that somehow Rousey seems like a good idea?
Damn some of those pics aint helping RFX :smh: :lol: Especially the first one.

Dudes want Rousey as CM over Blunt? Smh

Prolly the same dudes who wanted Triple H for Thor.
:lol: This the stuff I'm talking about.

Dudes just be naming trash wrestlers who do that bad acting on Raw and Smackdown and think well they fit the mod physically so let them do it :x :smh:

It'll probably continue since Batista got the role of Drax cuz ppl are going to ignore what was required acting wise to be Drax.
onda is dope, but I'm not trying to see her in the Marvel movies. It requires too much time, and I'd much rather see her in the octogon. Leave that role to a qualified actress, and not someone getting a role cuz of her current hype.
No one ever said rousey over blunt..
I love blunt...every one agree blunt is fantastic. .........
Jusr doesn't fit the look. Imo.

Diesel is trash
Tatum is and forever will be trash. .
I dont care that steve carrell carried a movie for him he was decent in. Still trash.
Zik youre like the biggest critic in here....lol u of all people should know the saying about opinions (i still got luv for ya ) but hot damn homie.
Yall act like CM. Is the face of the marvel universe. Yes she will have the first solo female lead role (which again will be heavily supported by other cameos. And possibly not even start out as her being CM.)
Hell i doubt there are many pwople outside of the comic circle even know who she is. ...
There are atleast 10+ female charachters way more popular than her.
So again aside from die hards. I seriously doubt anyone would mind if it was rousey.

As far as antman goes. A lot of us expected a movie about hank pym not scott lang...i could never see rudd as pym but he was great as lang
I don't even like Carol Danvers as a character but I do want to watch Captain Marvel.

But ain't nobody tryna watch Rhonda Rousey with Kree superpowers bruh :lol:
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