eliminate threats before they eliminate you

Everytime someone tried to end a war before it starts, innocent people die
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shorty just had him way too sprung :lol:
I can't remember what happened to Vanessa after that poisoning thing. Did she survive?
I don't remember, but might be better if she didn't[\spoiler]
Yall got bad memories. Not only did she survive that but she was back to good health and by the end of the last ep was waiting for him in the helicopter and then left without him like he told her to do. Most likely off to go and be the female Kingpin and probably end up freeing him from prison eventually.

What was their pov again?
World domination?
We have a dictator in disguise here

eliminate threats before they eliminate you
Yeah something is ****** up and wrong with you if you agreed with them :lol:

Their pov wasn't that simple or they took it to far. They used that logic to say it's okay to kill millions of ppl to make ruling the world more manageable while the remaining survivors would be scared in to obedience :lol: :smh:

Don't know how you can agree with that.
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Lol, I'd love to see scenes of Thor drunk over the break - up :lol:

It'd be great if he could get drunk at Luke Cage's bar and get thrown out
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Yea I don't really see all of their ideologys bad,
maybe the keep people prisoners/slave part..
*Kanye Shrug*
As a fellow member of Team Iron Man in this upcoming Civil War battle, I will go out and say that we do not cosign or endorse any of this mans views. He is an extremist, and does not represent our beliefs.
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Chick survived? Great. Now we can get Big Simpin' Part 2 :smh:
You really forgot what happened :lol:

As for S2 Kingpin might not be in it much. At best a subplot that bubbles up near the end of S2 to set up S3. S2 is all about Elektra and Punisher and more on this underground war against darkness Stick was on about.
I can't even see Natalie Portman returning truth be told. They'll write her out
Yeah, heard she doesn't like the experience anymore for w/e reason. She probably have little to no role in Ragnarok.

Maybe she's even killed in it.

I don't think she has a crazy long multi-movie contract anyway. Probably just signed on for the trilogy.
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I don't really blame Natalie Portman or even Gwyneth Paltrow. Both are pretty good actresses - Natalie, more so - and they don't really have much to work with. If either could be a superhero, you know they would stay in a heartbeat :lol:

Now, if someone like Evangeline Lilly wants to leave, over some perceived slight or whatever - considering that she plays a character in the title of the next Ant Man sequel - that's a different story. That's just having too big an ego and being a diva.
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