Just saw the new Deadpool Red Band trailer. I'm moist
 wrong thread, go look for the Fox/Marvel/Xe-men thread...you belong there
bucky with the biker bro cut off arm sleeve just to show off his arm :lol:

you would think he's doing all he can to not be recognised as the WS

i liked the darker bucky on ws. they dropped the dark tone and he has reeds haircut from the mighty ducks.
i hope he wears the mouth mask again even though hes a good guy now 

He looks cooler with it. I wanted the pop toy of his with the mask but never got around to buying it, looked at it on amazon and the prices went way high. SMH.
Don't think he'll be wearing the mask. They'll probabl want him to be able to emote so the audience can 'relate' to him as a good guy lol
Directors Anthony and Joe Russo have revealed where we find many of the key players in Captain America: Civil War at the start of the film. According to the Russo's, Captain America has settled in nicely into his role as leader of the team and is busy training Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) to fully maximize her powers. Said Joe Russo,

"We like to say that the amount of time that has passed in between films is the amount of time that has passed in the movies. So, it's about that amount time. We find Cap leading the Avengers. He's tutoring or mentoring Scarlet Witch in the beginning of the movie and bringing her into the fold. We find them on a mission at the start of the film. The effect that Ultron has had on everyone certainly is central to the storytelling of the movie. It's very strong. We're dealing with issues of collateral damage, imperialism, what rights do super heroes have to pursue villains across borders. It's very politically minded. Cap's dealing with all of that at the beginning."
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Yall need to get off wanting to control how Marvel markets their movies :lol:

If you really thought they'd keep Spidey under wraps the whole time then I got a movie franchise to sell you.
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i dont think its the hoodie peter wears in the movie

sounds like its a hoodie with a picture of the spiderman suit on it

or the hoodie version of the costume 
Yeah that's why I :lol: Sounds like the OG Scarlet Spider hoody over the Iron Spidey suit :lol:

That's teasing too many specific Spidey fans.
If they're not going to keep his look under wraps, might as well see footage :nerd:

I hope more is coming Jan 15 :nerd:
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