Think about it though, Jim Carey would be the perfect Dr. Doom. Perfect blend of audience familiarity and comedy mixed with range.
Think about it though, Jim Carey would be the perfect Dr. Doom. Perfect blend of audience familiarity and comedy mixed with range.
No. No. No.


Audience familarity? Comedy?

You are not talking about Victor Von Doom. That entire idea seems like Sam Raimi would be casting and directing.

Just stop :lol: :smh: :stoneface:
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:rofl: y'all really gonna flex on Jim Carey like he wouldn't be the most recognizable actor in the MCU? Not that actor recognition is what they need but Doom has always taken himself more serious than any other heroes have taken him which his has lend itself to some comedic moments but whenever he's come up with a viable plan he's menacing. I could see him pulling that off and add to that Doom is reoccurring villain for most heroes in the Marvel universe. Jim popping up in a Spiderman film, trying to take resources from wakanda, challenging Strange for the title of Sorceror Supreme or sticking to his roots and bugging Reed and the gang would be an added boost to Marvel's box office. I mean I still think Jim Carey has a solid fan base

And of course this is all predicated on IF Marvel has F4 rights back. Between Fox getting the Xmen tv rights, Black Panther, The Inhumans, Carol Danvers origin of her powers, and The Russos being tight lipped on the characters in Infinity War that they claim they can't talk about yet ANDDD Thanos being teased for years only to get his 2 part movie shoved down into one...something big is coming. Galactus size if you will...
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y'all really gonna flex on Jim Carey like he wouldn't be the most recognizable actor in the MCU?
That's irrelvant. Why does that even matter?

And no he wouldn't be more recognizable than Samuel L. Jackson or RDJR.

I mean could you name the last Jim Carey movie starring Jim Carey? You talking like he's in his prime or just out of it or like he's some well respected actor as opposed to comedic actor.

Not to mention we talking Dr. Doom. I don't care if this is in the MCU or just another F4 FOX reboot. Jim doesn't have it like that to be pulling off interactions with Strange, T'Challa, or the rest.
they can't talk about yet ANDDD Thanos being teased for years up only to get his 2 part movie shoved down into one..
When was this confirmed? Or are you just making this up just to fit another one of your speculations/baseless theories?

Matter of fact can somebody else confirm or deny this?

Also I don't even want to talk about how poor it would be for them to rush a Galactus (or Doom) movie with little set up one year later coming off a movie where Thanos was just the villain if what you say is true.
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You high as a kite if you think 2016 Jim Carey is more recognizable than the current crop of CBM stars.
:rofl: y'all really gonna flex on Jim Carey like he wouldn't be the most recognizable actor in the MCU? Not that actor recognition is what they need but Doom has always taken himself more serious than any other heroes have taken him which his has lend itself to some comedic moments but whenever he's come up with a viable plan he's menacing. I could see him pulling that off and add to that Doom is reoccurring villain for most heroes in the Marvel universe. Jim popping up in a Spiderman film, trying to take resources from wakanda, challenging Strange for the title of Sorceror Supreme or sticking to his roots and bugging Reed and the gang would be an added boost to Marvel's box office. I mean I still think Jim Carey has a solid fan base

And of course this is all predicated on IF Marvel has F4 rights back. Between Fox getting the Xmen tv rights, Black Panther, The Inhumans, Carol Danvers origin of her powers, and The Russos being tight lipped on the characters in Infinity War that they claim they can't talk about yet ANDDD Thanos being teased for years only to get his 2 part movie shoved down into one...something big is coming. Galactus size if you will...

This ain't the 90s fam. Mask, Dumb and Dumber, and Ace Ventura all came out in 94', Truman Show in 98', and Liar Liar in 97'. This isn't even the early 2000s, where Carrey still had solid films coming out, like Bruce Almighty or Yes Man. And don't get me wrong, in his area, I consider Jim Carrey to be one of the greatest actors of all time. Even outside of that he's shown before that he does have the ability to work beyond type. But he's not going to be the most recognizeable actor in the MCU. Stop it. This is a new day. Jackson has become a household name for the number of films he has been in alone, if nothing else. Downey is the face of the MCU, plain and simple, but also has a very solid career outside of it. Carrey still has a fanbase and, unlike Adam Sandler, hasn't had his career taking blow after blow from terrible films, but actually look at his career. He hasn't had a major role in over ten years now. And this isn't taking shots at the man, because he isn't a bad actor by any means, but trying to come in here and say he'd be the most recognizeable actor in this franchise is silly. I'd wager that even your man Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, and Scarlett Johansson have more prominent names than Carrey does right now.
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This is worst than the backlash I got for wanting Daniel Day-Lewis for Dr. Strange years back (man we have some memories in this thread :wow: crazy to see how far it's come) but I honestly feel like Carey is a good enough actor to pull off Doom's dynamic persona. Mind you, Doom would be in his costume 90% of the time with maybe his origins and him showing off his disfigured face the only time he's unmasked. I still like Jim Carey, even if he is a smidge washed up :lol:

And Master Zik Master Zik https://www.google.com/amp/www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/07/avengers-infinity-war-renamed/amp there's a whole ton of articles about Infinity War being scaled back to one film. We've mentioned in the thread too a few months back and I could've sworn you were active in the discussion. Regardless let's really talk about this. I mean supposedly the rumor is that the Russo's felt like the script would be better suited to be one film because it was the studio that originally wanted 2 films but I didn't realize the the Russo's had that much pull. Then again they were adamant about telling a Civil War story with Spiderman....but the mystery is the fact that infinity war is being renamed and an untitled film has been placed for 2019 and is allegedly an "Avengers" film. My whole skepticism comes from the fact that why would you need 2 Avengers films a year apart that are essentially two different stories? And if it is an Avengers film, why is it untitled? Followed by 3 more untitled films for 2020. I mean if it's a captain marvel film, why would it be untitled she's already been announced. Spiderman sequel is about as automatic as an AR-15 so what's the secret about? The Inhumans?? We've unfortunately known they were coming before Ant-man came out so what new characters could be secret enough to where the Russo's couldn't mention them, Thanos gets scaled back and it's followed by a slew of untitled films linked back to what can't be talked about in "infinity war" a film that is going to be renamed at that... maybe Tigra? :lol: no. Only one way to bring in phase 4
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fell asleep in that movie in the theaters.
Only movies Jim Carrey ever pulled off serious roles were "The Truman Show" , "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Man on the Moon" and even those films had hints of his signature goofy, physical comedy

Think about it though, Jim Carey would be the perfect Riddler. Perfect blend of audience familiarity and comedy mixed with range.

exact words used to pitch the idea of him playing the riddler in Batman Forever
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fell asleep in that movie in the theaters.
Only movies Jim Carrey ever pulled off serious roles were "The Truman Show" , "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Man on the Moon" and even those films had hints of his signature goofy, physical comedy

Think about it though, Jim Carey would be the perfect Riddler. Perfect blend of audience familiarity and comedy mixed with range.

exact words used to pitch the idea of him playing the riddler in Batman Forever

Serious question: Have you made this post before? Did you quote an older post of yours? I ask, because I could swear that I have seen these exact words on this forum before, regarding this exact subject :lol:
Serious question: Have you made this post before? Did you quote an older post of yours? I ask, because I could swear that I have seen these exact words on this forum before, regarding this exact subject :lol:

I didn't quote it from an older post but I'm pretty sure if there was a "number 23" movie thread, and people praised it or were hyped before it came out, I'd post those exact same words,
I'd like to think I'm pretty consistent
And Master Zik Master Zik https://www.google.com/amp/www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/07/avengers-infinity-war-renamed/amp there's a whole ton of articles about Infinity War being scaled back to one film. We've mentioned in the thread too a few months back and I could've sworn you were active in the discussion.
That is confirmation on a title change.

Nothing in it says that Thanos is being regulated to one movie.

Regardless let's really talk about this. I mean supposedly the rumor is that the Russo's felt like the script would be better suited to be one film because it was the studio that originally wanted 2 films but I didn't realize the the Russo's had that much pull.
Where did this rumor come from?

but the mystery is the fact that infinity war is being renamed and an untitled film has been placed for 2019 and is allegedly an "Avengers" film. My whole skepticism comes from the fact that why would you need 2 Avengers films a year apart that are essentially two different stories? And if it is an Avengers film, why is it untitled? Followed by 3 more untitled films for 2020. I mean if it's a captain marvel film, why would it be untitled she's already been announced. Spiderman sequel is about as automatic as an AR-15 so what's the secret about? The Inhumans?? We've unfortunately known they were coming before Ant-man came out so what new characters could be secret enough to where the Russo's couldn't mention them, Thanos gets scaled back and it's followed by a slew of untitled films linked back to what can't be talked about in "infinity war" a film that is going to be renamed at that... maybe Tigra? :lol: no. Only one way to bring in phase 4
So basically like I thought; more baseless speculation by you.

A year a part and you think Galactus is just gonna show up in the Avengers movie after Thanos.

Keep in mind filming starts in Jan 2017 for BOTH movies. They're filming back to back in ATL among a few other locations until Oct.

Keep this quote in mind as far as themes go:

Well, I think it definitely is an end to some version of the team that we've come to know as The Avengers. Who knows exactly what's going to happen yet in [Infinity War], but I think this version of that team – and I think we started to hint at it at the end of Age of Ultron, that the team will be evolving. And one of the things we love in the comics is that the roster is always changing. That new people are coming on to the team... But the ideas and the ideals and things that make the Avengers the Avengers, still exist, and I think that's part of what this culmination will be. We're seeing this version of the team doing this thing to save the universe, the galaxy, however you want to put it, and we'll kind of see where that goes. It's not the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I think it is the end of part of it, for sure. We're still trying to sort out which parts.

—Producer Jeremy Latcham in September 2015 on how the films act as a culmination of all the preceding films of the MCU.
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Trump got all types of ****** going crazy. Jim Carrey?

Saw Dr Strange yesterday and it was good, definitely meant for the big screen experience. If you saw this bootleg you robbed yourself of that. I see the moved quickly thing though, the stage was set so perfectly I wanted more fleshed out stories in it. More mordo, more Strange, more ancient one etc. Hopefully the sequel does that.
I wonder if the Ancient One will come back in the Astral plane. :nerd: She had the most bars on the Kung Fu side of the game.
I always thought Mads was the perfect Doom until he was cast in Doctor Strange.

Joaquin Phoenix anyone?
I don't know if they'd get around it in the MCU but while I believe they'll need a great actor for Doom a lot of it at some point is gonna just be voice and gravitas. They can only get away for so long with a non scarred Doom running around showing his face.

Not a lot of showing the actor's face.

Mads would've been great.

Got a find an actor willing to either be scarred up horribly most of the time or in a mask.
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