i bet the role goes to Will Smith....willing to bet on it...lol

No way. He'll want too much and i pray he doesnt get the part lol

T'Challa is so underrated man. Hope he beasts in the movies
i bet the role goes to Will Smith....willing to bet on it...lol

I hope that you're wrong. Will Smith is too old. Marvel seems to be going in a younger direction for the Avenger's second squad and they would be smart to do so. Both Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are young. Some of the squad is getting up there in age and they have a long plan mapped out.
I highly doubt BP is going to be in AoU. Maybe a small cameo, but they are just now screen testing, and are already a month into filming. Chances are that's for a solo BP movie that they'll announce at Comic Con.
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I'd definitely love to see Black Panther in the near future. Everything I'm hearing leads me to think he's not going to be in the Avengers. I don't think there are any plans for him in the immediate future.

I can't believe there's an Avengers thread already, and it's 15 pages. ****'s going to be huge around release date :lol:
I doubt he will be in AOU. Screen tests are usually what they do before the movie is actually put into production. Gives the studio a feel for how it will look visually.
Does anyone know if it's baron Von strucker who tries to go after the vibranium mound in wakanda? I am thinking it's him.
Does anyone know if it's baron Von strucker who tries to go after the vibranium mound in wakanda? I am thinking it's him.

Doesn't have to be about vibranium. Ultron could just be attacking/targeting the whole world and he ends up trying to defend Wakanda or helps before it reaches his land.
Doesn't have to be about vibranium. Ultron could just be attacking/targeting the whole world and he ends up trying to defend Wakanda or helps before it reaches his land.
Was not saying it to be a part of AOU but he could be a possible bad guy in black panther. I doubt the panther will be in AOU I think marvel would want to do his origin story before including him in the avengers.
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Eh no ones going to know that, at least not until it is 100% confirmed that BP will be included in any film yet.

But I don't think his first enemy should be a little pawn from every film, dudes playing Baron is contracted for like 5-7 films iirc and I doubt dude will get bigger roles in any of them, dude is suppose to be just in the beginning of AoU too from early reports.

You got to have someone that isn't just leftovers from the other film, make him go against Klaw or Killmonger or both.
That's who it was the klaw which goes after the vibranium mound. That's who I was thinking of not strucker. They could also do mbaku, but klaw has to be a part of this as well.
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I think the most we'll get about BP in AOU is a name drop or easter egg about Wakanda, definitely too late for him to be cast in this film.
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