That's just in the comics. In the movie he's somebody new and a straight up villain.
Sounds A LOT like Iron Man and Iron Man 2 with Stain and Hammer with the whole company/tech stuff.
That Marvel loyalty is real :lol: Dudes already detached themselves from the comics and the word mutant cuz of FOX.

Also though, Marvel aint even allowed to use the word mutant like that in the movies. So there is that.

True, but it's like yelling at the girl that came to watch football with the homies because she make a mistake and calls a tackle a fumble. :lol: It's best to just let those things slide and chuckle at the mistake. It was like a room full of that one dude that wants to explain the game to her and make her feel stupid. :smh:
Rereading the description of the footage and I see no mention of Hawkeye doing anything specifically, LOL. Still getting the shaft
European and Australian actors are too good with these American accents. Aaron Taylor Johnson too?
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I also dont know how they are doing it in no time. When I came to America it took me years. 16 years later people still ask where I am from.
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Tiffany Smith was choosing on Chris Evans so hard but Ruffalo wanted her :lol:

Anywho some more lamekilla predictions :smile:

I speculated earlier that Ultron gets into hulks head about freedom/being a slave or that banner starts hulking out really hard since he has a handle on controlling his transformations and it takes a toll on his psyche. Ruffalo keeps mentioning about just now having the technology to really explore the relationship between hulk and banner and with Andy Serkis heavily involved in mocap this time around we might see the professor hulk. Him keeping banners mind but hulk physical prowess. Keep in mind the "speculated" ending to A2 involving hulk and the ever present rumors of the hulk solo film we all want to be planet hulk and/or WW Hulk and we have a nice set up. Also thought about Stark and Widow having a sex tape that Ultron leaks and banner getting in his feelings over that and ready to kill tony because he has a thing for Widow, hence the Hulkbuster armor :rofl: but the kids have to watch this film, plus I'm pretty sure pepper Potts will have a cameo in this film so Tony will be "monagomous tony"....

Still something to think about though :nerd:

Hawkeye will def be the comic relief in this film. Vision is going to resent Tony but probably consider him more of a father than Ultron who "freed him". Quicksilver will probably be the most underdeveloped character in the ensemble. All strictly guesses by the way :smile:
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Hulk going crazy and attack any and everything should of been the norm. Hulk taking orders from cap was laughable
Hulk going crazy and attack any and everything should of been the norm. Hulk taking orders from cap was laughable

Why was hulk taking orders from the cap laughable though? He's the leader of the avengers and the most well rounded. Thor is a god and wasn't on that ego tip :lol:
Why was hulk taking orders from the cap laughable though? He's the leader of the avengers and the most well rounded. Thor is a god and wasn't on that ego tip :lol:

He's the hulk. Hulk in an uncontrollable rage > hulk bending over for cap wearing pajamas
But remember....he wasn't uncontrollable

He wasn't? Didn't seem so when they were in the helicarrier

Him all of a sudden being in control was a complaint of mine. Banner hyped up how much he didn't want to become the hulk again then turns around and says he can control it after almost killing BW? What?
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^^ you gotta remember he didn't know what was going on. The government has been after him for the longest so now all of a sudden a secret government organization wants him for his intelligence and not his special ability? He stays skeptical, and when he feels like they were lying to him the whole time and really wanted to capture him especially after seeing the imprisonment setup they had for him, he hulked out albeit on purpose to get off the hellicarrier.They tried to play him, so he thought. You don't play the hulk :lol: and the end of the Incredible Hulk showed that banner was in control of his transformations. The fact that Edward Norton wasn't Banner in the Avengers kind've downplayed what they already established which was Banner can control his transformation and then they used it as a crutch in the end. Where as if Ed Norton would've been Banner for the Avengers film that would've been the first thing audiences thought about when they saw him on screen, that is if they watched Incredible Hulk. "Oh man, he knows how to turn into hulk whenever" even though it's not said rather just implied in the ending of IH through a smirk.

....Avengers would've been so much better with Norton :frown: but I like Ruffalo :smile:
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In the heliharrier he changed into the hulk when he was still under the influence of Loki.

When he morphed during the climax, it was under his own willpower.
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