Just keep it. Last time they did a trailer for BvS and ended up giving free passes for those who went.
Anybody signed up for those screening notifications I told you guys about?
Kevin Feige Teases Dormammu And Explains Why Baron Mordo Isn't A Villain In DOCTOR STRANGE

"[Mordo] is Strange’s advocate in the beginning of the movie. The Ancient One doesn’t necessarily see the potential in Strange that Mordo does, and Mordo is the one who talks the Ancient One into allowing him in. And for this film, he is a partner of Strange, and he is a mentor to Strange. You know that was something we wanted to play against in the comics. Because in the comics for as unbelievably creative and full of imagination as they are – we are desperate to recreate in cinematic form – there’s some things that are too obvious for modern day audiences. The jealous rival named Baron von Mordo, who turns against him when he shows any signs of talent – we specifically didn’t want to do that."

"What we're playing with in this world is that there are dimensions. That the other dimensions are not just parallel realities -although some of them are - but [there is the] Dark Dimension, where Dormammu inhabits. There are dimensions that are so mind-bending that you can barely perceive them."
Sounds like since DC been ******* up so badly with it the MCU is gonna do that Hal/Sinestro relationship and take it even further.
This is the type of long term planning I wanted to see with other villains for a greater payoff down the line.
It seems in the phases of movies leading up to Infinity War and it's sequel Marvel really didn't give a ****.

Strange obviously is a character and property they want to position as a game changer last that.

They may do the same for Black Panther and Captain Marvel villain wise.
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I love seeing best friends of the protagonist gradually turn to the dark side. :smokin

My favorite part of Smallville was when Luthor and Clark were friends.

The enemies who were once friends trope is something that I never get tired of as long as it's done right.
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Clark and Lex's relationship has honestly never been handled better than it was on Smallville. Both actors gave great performances and there was a real sense of both tragedy and inevitability as you saw how the different ways the two men had been raised led them down completely different paths, which resulted in them going from the best of friends who were like brothers to the most bitter of enemies. Excellent writing all around.
lana hooked up with both of them on smallville. SMH. clark should've just forgot she existed.
Clark and Lex's relationship has honestly never been handled better than it was on Smallville. Both actors gave great performances and there was a real sense of both tragedy and inevitability as you saw how the different ways the two men had been raised led them down completely different paths, which resulted in them going from the best of friends who were like brothers to the most bitter of enemies. Excellent writing all around.
Sparknotes on the progression of Clark/Lex on Smallville?

Basically, Clark wants to do good, Lex wants to do bad?
Spider-Man: Homecoming


Bleeding Cool is reporting that Sony is allegedly showing a sudden and sharp interest in the incredibly obscure Marvel character Nightwatch, a time-traveling hero spun out of the Amazing Spider-Man comics in the ‘90s that flopped in his own limited comic series (and whose design was a bit more than heavily inspired by the design of Spawn).

According to the site, Nightwatch’s origins in the Spidey comics make him part of the roster of characters they can use with their movie license, and Sony’s sudden interest in reading those comics is usually an expression of their intent to bring a character over into their movies—presumably Homecoming, but considering almost every Spider-Man character under the sun has been rumored for the film, it might just be for a Nightwatch movie. Take all of this with a whole truckload of salt.
I really don't know what to expect with the Dr. Strange movie lol. Don't know much about him.
Tyron Woodley's Marvel Tease Got Him In Big Trouble With Their Legal Department

In a new interview with Fox Sports, Woodley reveals that short tease landed him in big trouble with Marvel Studios' Legal Department. "Number one, this is what I said - I said that I could be working on a Marvel movie very soon, and I didn’t put two-and-two together. I was in Atlanta, the only Marvel movie at that time [in Atlanta] was Spider-Man — I didn’t put those things together. When you're working on a Marvel movie, their Legal Department do not play. So they got word of it and everyone started coming down on me - the people that were casting me for the part. "

Woodley went on to explain that he's no longer in the film because of a prior ccommitment to Fox, which would appear to be his UFC 205 title defense against Stephen Thompson on November 12. "I did not do it because I had a previous obligation with Fox, and I thought that was a better play long-term. And I’m a man of my word."
Clark and Lex's relationship has honestly never been handled better than it was on Smallville. Both actors gave great performances and there was a real sense of both tragedy and inevitability as you saw how the different ways the two men had been raised led them down completely different paths, which resulted in them going from the best of friends who were like brothers to the most bitter of enemies. Excellent writing all around.

Sparknotes on the progression of Clark/Lex on Smallville?

Basically, Clark wants to do good, Lex wants to do bad?

They first met when Lex crashed his car into Clark while driving over a bridge. The car careened off the bridge and Clark saved Lex, who was always fairly certain he'd hit Clark, even though Clark denied it. This sparked a friendship that would last years and go through numerous trials. In Clark and the Kent Family, Lex saw the life and relationship he wished he could have had growing up, envying Clark for not only his family, but his innate goodness and compassion. In Lex, Clark saw a knowledgeable older-brother figure who he believed the people of Smallville were too quick to judge as being exactly like his father. Clark wants to see the best in everyone, including Lex, which is compounded by the fact that Lex does generally have a number of good qualities.

Most importantly is the fact that Lex does not want to turn out like his father, a ruthless businessman who is willing to sacrifice other peoples lives. But over the course of 10 seasons each man is slowly molded into who they are destined to be, the world's greatest hero and that hero's greatest enemy. When all is said and done neither man is entirely without fault for how the relationship turned out, having hurt and damaged the other at different points and that's probably why it comes off so well. There's a lot more to it than "Lex Luthor hates aliens" or "Lex is jealous of Superman". Here, Lex genuinely respected and valued Clark's friendship, but had to fight against his own inner demons (Which you see throughout the series that his father is almost entirely responsible for) and his desperate need to know and control everything around him. Clark in turn tries his absolute best to be Lex's friend and to save him from his darkness, but also has to deal with the destiny that Jor-El has laid out for him, along with never being 100% sure who he can or can't trust with his secrets. There are also outside factors and events, such as both men having feelings for Lana Lang, that caused the divide between the two as well.

Honestly, no matter what you think of the show's final seasons or whenever you think the quality started to drop, the entire thing was worth it just to see the development of Superman and Lex Luthor's hatred for one another.
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I actually saw Michael Rosenbaum on tv giving an interview on nfl network a day or two ago. He'd good at impersonations. His Rocky and rodney dangerfield were nice.

thanks for that. dont know too much about strange. dude looks like hes stronger power wise than anyone so far in civil war. the guy said his story changes in civil war and gauntlet in the comics so interesting to see which parts marvel will incorporate in the movie.
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