What pays off more hard work or knowing the right people?

I think knowing the right people can get you places. But you gotta have good work ethic if you want to get further.
I'm with the "both" people. I realized I just need to be having great depth in both to cover my behind.

And I like to modify the "who you know" into "who knows you" at the end of the day you gotta prove useful to someone for them to even consider you for that job/position/whatever
Knowing people will get you 'further' but working hard leaves you with more integrity. Integrity is more important than success to me.
The people who say its "who you know" are the same people who never worked hard a day in thier life.

Hard work > all
Starting your own business - hard work
Working for someone else - knowing the right people ............... I've tested this out in real life ... and every single time the lazy ________ that's friends with the boss gets the promotion (typically they only work "hard" when the boss is around) over the hard worker that does nothing but excel at their job.
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I think from wat I see it deff is a mix of both favoring one more then the other depanding on situation
Based on my job experience it's who you know. I only got my job because I knew an employee that got me in an interview. On top of that, the president of my company has 6 of his relatives working for him. 
False, hard work and "who you know" aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

One of the few times I'll agree with you. If you have a bad rep because your work ethic sucks, it doesn't matter who you know. No one wants to have someone that can't contribute on their team. As far as my situation goes, it took hard work and now I'm meeting the right people as my industry is very insular and having people that hold weight vouching for you only makes your resume look better.
Right hard work and who you know arent together, but hard work and getting to find who you know and will make in your network is hardwork, after that it is smooth sailing
I think both are equally important. If you have horrible work ethic knowing the right people won't help much. Most people refer their friends because they know that they are diligent and hard-working people. By working hard more people will want you to work for them.
Doesn't really matter who you know. Hard work and grind >

But it depends on what you are working hard on.

Hard work at a job? Not so much.

Hard work on your own business? Yes much.

For example, when I had I job, I worked hard everyday for 3 years and didn't see much in pay increases. A few cents extra in pay every few months doesn't mean jack squat. My hard work didn't mean anything because I still could have been fired at any time against my will.

Now, I work hard in my business everyday. Its been 3 years. I make more cash now than I could have ever imagined making at a job. The more I work hard and exploded income, the more I make. It all comes back to me and not some job boss.

You can benefit much more efficiently when your hard work is being devoted to a business system that you control and own 100%.

Not sure if it's related but I think it fits.

This thread reminded me of a quote:

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." - Seneca
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