Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie (Reboot Announced)

Anyone remember when the 2nd season premiered during primetime :smokin


That was LIT back then. Dino zords getting destroyed, Z Putties giving the rangers that work, Lord Zedd being menacing and scary, Thunderzords, Tommy not getting a Thunderzord etc.
Anyone remember when the 2nd season premiered during primetime
How could I forget?! That was amazing.

I, too, watched Power Rangers up to In Space...Wouldn't go outside to play until I finished watching the episode lol
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I stopped midway thru Rangers in Space (love that theme btw)

PRIS had to have had the best theme of all of em. I used to get so amped hearing it and still do. if I didn't catch that theme Saturday morning I felt like I missed the whole damn episode lol

Huh .. its the exact same as MMPR

[Video] [/Video]

He's talking about the rangers in space. I posted the Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers intro.

Here's Rangers in Space

Yo real talk, the guys that played Bulk and Skull musta had some bomb agents cus those dudes were around for hella seasons through umpteen ranger changes and factions :lol: :rofl:
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Watching it on twitch now. Man Jason and Zack were so much cooler than Tommy and the rest of the new people. They actually had personality

Also I didn't remember this but Jason on multiple occasions was ready to give Bulk and Skull them hands but Zack would stop him
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homie over here bringin all the childhood feels out. I soo remember all of it. except super human samurai. might have been too young for that. I remember tho how mystic knights were sabans attempt to make an all American power rangers show.  they even had a 5th member aka "6th ranger" to join the team later in the season

Mystic Knights was in Ireland. They weren't powere rangers they were Knights that wore armor.
homie over here bringin all the childhood feels out. I soo remember all of it. except super human samurai. might have been too young for that. I remember tho how mystic knights were sabans attempt to make an all American power rangers show.  they even had a 5th member aka "6th ranger" to join the team later in the season

Mystic Knights was in Ireland. They weren't powere rangers they were Knights that wore armor.
Mystic knights were Haim saban's attempt to create a non Japanese sentai type show.
Zack and Jason were about that action when it came to bullies. I still remember the episode when Zedd wanted to create his own evil rangers with 5 bullies and Zack wanted to give them the hands early.
Im glad Ivan Ooze dodnt last long though. I was for sure they were gonna make him the new villain in the tv episodes
lol, Zack was playing a 2v1 basketball game against Tommy and Jason and he was still destroying them. Then he dunked on some putties and they disappeared. Ahh, the stereotypical 90's
Watched about 10 or so hours of the twitch stream. Great stuff. I really didn't remember a lot of MMPR. I'll have to watch the rest of the first season in Netflix. It was kinda depressing though seeing Trini(since I hadn't watched it since I was a kid) and knowing she died so young
I saw some of the marathon on Twitch. It reminded me why I stopped watching Power Rangers. 

I don't even get the nostalgic feelings for it now that I do with other parts of my childhood. 
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