How much you tip at places like Applebees

Why tip people for something they're supposed to do??? That's dumb

I'll never understand why employees at places like that don't get a normal hourly pay
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Dine IN at APPLEBEES? Like, sit down AND eat? Wtf dude. You need to find better establishments.

15% Average, 20% if good.

If they suck but try, 10%.

Only once have I not tipped at all cause the lady was rude/ignant/slower than eddy curry...

FWIW, you should tip the same, if not more, at a chain (% wise). That job has to suck and service is service no matter the scale of the place.

Why tip people for something they're supposed to do??? That's dumb :stoneface:

I'll never understand why employees at places like that don't get a normal hourly pay :stoneface:

Agreed, but they don't in most spots. Thus we tip.

I went to Ireland a few years back and left ~2 euro on the counter and no one ever thought to pick it up. Asked my dad why and he was like "Oh, yeah.. meant to tell you you dont need to tip over here." :lol:
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If you tip a horrible server aren't you just giving him the green light not to change is horrible ways?
Not necessarily. Horrible servers get horrible tips or no tip at all, hence giving them a reason to stay horrible. they have it in their head that people generally suck at tipping, so why try. I work in a restaurant so i see it all the time. its not the best mindset, but that's how some people think
Why tip people for something they're supposed to do??? That's dumb

I'll never understand why employees at places like that don't get a normal hourly pay
thats like saying 'why doesnt everyone just get the job they want so there will be no complaints.' it doesnt work like that. sure, some people like serving, but for most people, its just a job they applied and got hired for.

if you think tipping is dumb, then how do you feel about bonuses or paid time off?? Everyone with a job is entitled to a check, but its the work incentives that allow people to stay, ie. tips
Not necessarily. Horrible servers get horrible tips or no tip at all, hence giving them a reason to stay horrible. they have it in their head that people generally suck at tipping, so why try. I work in a restaurant so i see it all the time. its not the best mindset, but that's how some people think

thats like saying 'why doesnt everyone just get the job they want so there will be no complaints.' it doesnt work like that. sure, some people like serving, but for most people, its just a job they applied and got hired for.

if you think tipping is dumb, then how do you feel about bonuses or paid time off?? Everyone with a job is entitled to a check, but its the work incentives that allow people to stay, ie. tips
That's not what I was saying Mr.Logical

But Ill let you cook and burn your face
I never understood why it has to be a percentage of the total bill and not on the actual "service". Maybe one day I want a $10 burger and the next day I want a $25 steak, why should I tip more if the waiter is taking out the same amount of plates and refilling the same one drink at a time.

If it is based on the cost of the meal then the tip should go to the cook and not the waiter.

My tipping scale

$1-3 in ones for just taking my food out, and one refill

$5 If provides good service

$10 if waiter goes out of his/her way to provide good service. (When restaurant its is very crowded but still goes to my table several times, refills drinks without asking, outshining the other waiters. etc)

I usually eat out by myself so sometimes its over 20% too lol (I've tipped $10 on a $20 check)
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Let's just end this now before the official spokesman of all severs comes in essays galore.

Don't tip= scum of the earth, parents failed you or you don't believe anyone should get a tip for what they're supposed to do

Tip a little = you're cheap, you shouldn't buy shoes if you can't tip

Tip normal= normal or you're still cheap, I tip more because I'm on NT and I'm rich (of course)

Tip a lot= if you don't do this you're broke and shouldn't eat out because this is what I do and in on NT so I'm rich (duh)

Anything else I'm missing?

I missed this post..u hit the nail on the head my friend..

I kno someone who told me they don't tip bartenders and later I called him out in it and he said he was joking..I was like sure u were joking..can ppl get any cheaper?
Is a 20% tip on $200 bill for a party of 2 more deserving than a 20% tip on a $200 bill for a party of 8? :nerd:
I usually always tip 20% as a regular standard whenever I go out. If service is lousy I'll drop it down to 15%.

Now, if service was phenomenal--I go up to 22%

Pretty much what I do but for the most part its always 20% for me regardless if my bill is $50 or $300. I tip the same.

As far as tipping goes I am a generous tipper and err on the side of tipping if it is a question of whether or not to tip. On delivery I usually tip more than 20%. I tip a buck or two on take out. I almost always tip valets $5 min. I tip bellmen usually $10 at least.

I tip housekeeping at the hotel. Anyone else tip them as well I feel like it is few and far between.
Would be interesting to see how raising the minimum wage will affect the tipping system in the US. Tipping shows appreciation, but also was a form of income since most service industries pay next to nothing.
Refferimg to the Warren Sapp receipt.

The waitress or waiter probably kept greeting him and his party as "Boys"

Like walk up and say "How you boys doing tonight? Can I start you off with some appetizers?"

He probably didn't like that (I wouldn't either)

At least say gentlemen, not "Boys".

Ignorance is COMMON amongst Applebee's employees.

I can DEFINITELY see this happening.
Especially with Warren and Friends being Black men, and the waiter being a white woman..I can see her referring to them as "boys" (which is a racial slur when used in a certain tone towards certain people)

She disrespected them by belittling them and calling them "boys"..and they struck back by not tipping.
i generally tip 20% but if i go to a place, I make sure my order amounts to no more than $12.50
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Don't like to tip unless
1. he's cute
2. exemplary service/knowledgeable and friendly server

I really empathize with many good servers who DESERVE a tip.
Sometimes I just want my change back, good service or nah.
I was a server for a little bit so I tend to tip more. That feeling when you get a good tip can make your day. I usually do:

Excellent Service: 30%

Good Service: 20-25%

Crappy Service: 0-10% - depending how bad it was

I don't always go off of percentages though. If i eat out by myself and my bill is small, I usually tip at least $5-$10. 
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Different question bros, do you tip housekeeping when you stay at a hotel? If so, how much?
Different question bros, do you tip housekeeping when you stay at a hotel? If so, how much?

Never. One time I tried it and the lady took it as disrespect, so I don't bother.

These days I just leave a thank you note and tell them that their work is appreciated, sorry for the mess, etc.
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