A lot of people are mentioning the molds and that the older ones (1999 and older) are "better"
Will someone please post some comparisons of the older, superior molded shoes and the newer inferior molded shoes.
I know i can google the old shoes but i want to see what seasoned collectors have to point out cuz I dont know the older stuff well enough to see the various minutia of the older molds.
Im sure there are other Vets who can share some knowledge as well, but Ill link to doe of what I posted back in the BC IV thread a few years ago
I appreciate taking the time to do that.
OK, so this gonna be a long post with some big quotes, apologies in advance
The main difference in the shape of the OG shoes, and how the post-1999 molds ruin the look is reflected in the boxy, curled up toe box
There has also been significant pinching around the mid-foot and heel that is causing the overall shape to go Banana up
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In the above picture of the OG, Ive marked how the toe-box is rolled down so it maintains a nice forward angle. In addition, you can see that the side leather forms the correct parallel "wave pattern" with the outsole. Most modern IV's pinch in here. Finally, the heel bump in the back is pronounced because the overall height of the ankle is higher, demonstrated by the larger space between the midsole and the Wing-Tab
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In this picture we can see the difference that all the pinching has caused in the middle of the shoe. Even if the the toe box was properly rolled down, the inching would probably create a banana-toe effect anyway. But of course, the toe-box is also enormous and bulges up instead of following the angle of the shoe downward
Overall, I know that some of these differences are insignificant to many people, and in the normal retro threads I try to keep the ranting to a minimum. But I would think that if JB is gonna bother to remaster at all, then they should do it right.
The IV is meant to have a sloped, almost triangular look to it that gives it a sleek, forward looking esthetic like this OG below
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I'll also include this nice comparison pic that shows how important the "wave pattern" leather is to maintaining the proper shape. The 99's kind of have boxy toes, and yet, because the mid-foot leather is wide and parallel, there is enough space below the wing tab and the esthetic of the shoe is maintained
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Below is my original post on the
2012 BC IV
You can see how little space there was between the wing-tab and the midsole