It has been proven that people are PREJUDICE against BLACK dogs vol: Black Dog Syndrome

Aug 30, 2008
I was reading this article earlier, and I am disgusted by these statistics.


Just when you were hoping there were no new ways to be racist, it turns out people may be racist against dogs. Black Dog Syndrome is the name shelter workers have given to the tendency of dark-furred pups to languish in kennels while their lighter-furred brethren get adopted. “The effect is very real,” says Mirah Horowitz, executive director and founder of Lucky Dog Animal Rescue. “We recently had a litter of five very cute, very fluffy puppies, two yellow and three black. And the yellow ones all went immediately, but for the black ones it took weeks.”

Black dogs get euthanized at higher rates. They linger at pounds and adoption agencies for longer than light-colored dogs, and they are less likely to find a home. Marika Bell, director of behavior and rehoming for the Humane Society of Washington, D.C., says the organization has been tracking animals that have stayed at their shelters the longest since March 2013. They found that three characteristics put a pet at risk of becoming one of these so-called “hidden gems”: medium size, an age of 2-3 years, and an ebony coat.

What kind of nefarious psychological quirk would prevent someone from adopting a dog based on fur color?
WhT about the "black cat" (not talkin about street cats here fellas) being a bad omen?
What about fears that would be irrational in the daytime that grab you at night bc nights darkness is scary.

I'm not sure whether being scared of "black" is innate (the day/night example points that way, or if we've been socialized to see "black" and think all of these negative attributes (like in Malcom X, when he was in prison and dude broke it down from the dictionary-- "white=pure, black=evil")

Always the easy answer but I really do think it's both innate and socialized
This dog example I guess would be more of the latter , though
i know a lot of black dogs so i can't be racist.

in fact, the color of my dog is white, brown, black, and a little yellow. so there.

and this only applies to shelter dogs right?
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Black dogs do not look better than their non-black counterparts most of the time. Stupid article...
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I've heard some ppl don't like them because they don't photograph as well as other dogs.
I can't be racist! My best friend is black dog.


people are prejudice to anything with the color black.

People, animals, emo's, hoodies, cars, etc....

Black is the color of power. cats are far worse than dogs. I think it is more tied in with the bad luck thing rather than race. Go to your neighborhood animal shelter and prepare to see nothing black cats not get adopted. Last time I went, my girl and I saw like 10 of them and some were even late in age.
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