Boyhood - starring Ethan Hawke & Patricia Arquette 100% on Rottentomatoes

movie easily one of the best movies i've seen. idk what the **** you few in here talking about "who wants to see someones life story over 12 years?" are talkinh about, shut the lame **** up.

go see the movie if its by you. It was great.
Is it his actual life story (basically a documentary), or is it fictional starring the same actor over 12 years with an evolving script?
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Is it his actual life story (basically a documentary), or is it fictional starring the same actor over 12 years with an evolving script?
It's fictional with the same cast over 12 years.

I just watched it and thought it was great, especially the convo he has with his father near the end.

I'm also glad they only showed him being a simp boy for a few minutes.
Just finished watching this, loved every minute of it. I thought that the almost 3 hour runtime was gonna make the movie drag but I wanted to see more.

This is like the ultimate coming of age movie and seeing the characters grow up made you actually think this was real and not just some fictional characters paying a role.

Will watch again.
It's a coming of age movie, if you're not into that, then you probably won't enjoy it

The director's daughter's acting could have been better. I don't know if it was part of the character.
I'll say this, as an indian male who grew up in America. I didn't relate at all to this movie. That's not how I grew up and that's definitely not my boyhood. Dude was a ***** prick.

That said, the movie wasn't great, wasn't bad. Just not my cup of tea. And it's gonna sweep the oscars :x
I'll say this, as an indian male who grew up in America. I didn't relate at all to this movie. That's not how I grew up and that's definitely not my boyhood. Dude was a ***** prick.

That said, the movie wasn't great, wasn't bad. Just not my cup of tea. And it's gonna sweep the oscars
Agreed, but some parts had me cringing because I related to them (e.g. being "artistic," pretentious).

I also agree with the above statement of this being an indictment of white America. It was rough to watch the mom go through so many marriages.

This article addresses the issue of race and the lack of diversity in the movie much more deeply than I will.

IMO, the movie deals with certain universal themes but it seems to really bring about a case of the feels if you are a white guy. As a white guy, I must say that I absolutely loved the movie.
It was so realistic about being a teenaged guy in general and being white, suburban and having a college professor for a mom. The movie also was great and side stepping the tropes that we see in so many films, comedies and dramas, that involve adolescents.

- There are no decisive moments where Mason becomes an adult and most of the drama was woven into daily life.

- Teenaged guys actually can meet up, drink a beer or two, call each other gay and no one dies or gets injured nor does anyone have any sort of truly life changing epiphany.

- They did not show Mason and his friends to be sex crazed maniacs. Of course, teenaged guys have high sex drives but high school guys can stop chasing skirts from time to time and get into art, music, sports, cars, science, literature, clothes ect.

- I cannot think of the last time that I become so emotionally invested in a character. Near the end of the movie, Mason feels like a family member. It does not matter that he mumbles and says few words. When I was his age, my parents and siblings knew what I was thinking even if I was not saying very much.

The movie has some flaws, a few totally flat characters and caricatures but the journey that we take with little Mason from first grade to the very start of his college life, is worth the nearly three hour run time.
After reading your review it only further my belief that white people could only relate to this film.

So help me god if this weak film sweeps the oscars :lol:
i thought this movie was gonna be wack, i heard about it before, thought it was some artsy BS ....surprisingly I loved it. It really really works seeing the kids actually grow up on screen, I really felt that it was 12 years....ironically unlike 12 years a slave which thought that long uncut scenes = time passing by, steve mcqueen is still awesome though. However I felt that the boy's acting got worse near the end...or he just didn't give a F after all he's been through, which was unfortunate, their mom really attracted alcoholic douchebags. Love the little things they did to show the time that they lived in (Roger Clemens, Halo, Lady Gaga, etc.) . Great messages in it

Super long movie, but i was intrigued and interested throughout, right up until the part where he gets a girlfriend (who just happened to look like a supermodel) ended really well though

edit: lol at race being brought into this my goodness nt ..
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