Waiting on a reply from E-Mail. How do you follow-up

Jan 14, 2006
I've never used that thing that let's you know if the recipient has opened up your e-mail

What's the industry standard to follow up and figure out whether the recipient just ignored your e-mail, haven't seen it, missed it on their mail list etc.

How long would you wait it out?
Would you re-send that same e-mail the next day?

This is assuming you have no other way to contact the recipient other than through e-mail
just wait for a reply? that's really the only thing you can do.

If you sent out this email like 24 hrs ago, you need to chill. Give it a couple more days if it's urgent. Sometimes people are busy with stuff. I give it about a week to send another email.

Best regards,

Niketalk Member | Joined December 2010
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