What are your interests? Help support NikeTalk by taking our quick audience survey.

Culture addict

I took a MBTI test a few month back and the results of the two are similar. The mbti test was more specific than this one.
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so based on the responses thus far, the three interest levels for each category are "FAN", "BUFF" and "ADDICT"?
I think we need more options for the relationship status too - the standard single, married etc aren't enough to explain the vagaries of the emotional conflict that is going on inside the average NTer. It's complicated? Friend zoned? Waiting for a miracle?
Apparently I am a Culture Guru, which is truly dead on.
You're a Sports Guru
No one knows the score better than you!

First over the line, slamming the dunk (or is it dunking the slam?), sticking your flag in the summit... you love to get outside and get active. You're just as happy playing on a team or heading off into the wilderness by yourself for a trek. And if you can't get up and get out, that's what the sports channels are for.

You love to explore new things. You're inquisitive and have a really vivid imagination. You really pride yourself on being the first person you know to find out about cool stuff, and when you do make an awesome new discovery no one is going to be able to distract you until you know all about it ��� and we mean ALL about it!
You're a Music Addict

You're so close to your favourite act you can almost touch them!

Whether it's Lady Gaga or Radio Gaga you love losing yourself in the fun, chaos and beauty of some live music and culture. You're always first to know when a new act has music out or a hot up and coming actor is about to open a new show.

You're curious, confident, and courageous when you need to be. You like to know how everything works, and love to take things apart to find out what makes them tick. People know better than to rush you for snap decisions - you need plenty of time for all your research. And when you do speak, they listen.

You should check out these Wikias!

eh kinda true not bad tho
Congratulations! Here are your results.

You're a Sports Buff
You know where to find the latest score!

First over the line, slamming the dunk (or is it dunking the slam?), sticking your flag in the summit... you love to get outside and get active. You're just as happy playing on a team or heading off into the wilderness by yourself for a trek. And if you can't get up and get out, that's what the sports channels are for.

You love to get things done. You're practical, reliable, and don't let things get in your way. You like life to run really smoothly for you and all your friends and family. If they're happy, then you're happy too. And key to this happiness is knowing where you stand - you value facts, honesty and frank opinions.

The bolded part is dead on.
Thanks to everyone who's participated thus far.  I greatly appreciate your help.  It'll take some time, but I'm hopeful that some solid support here will yield improvements in our advertising down the road.  
Thanks for the explanation, Meth. I've just been unhappy with surveys in general. I agree though that the pictorial approach is an improvement, or at the very least an approach worth trying.
Yeah, I think the goal is mainly just to make the survey as simple and painless as possible. 

With a traditional market research survey, the goal is just to extract information from a sample.  Here, at least there's been some effort to provide some value to the respondent in the form of the personality assessment.  

We really are working hard to make sure the ads that appear on the site are the best they can be.  We've already blocked a substantial number of domains, keywords, and even categories to eliminate the sorts pop ups, auto-playing audio, and other nuisances that can detract from your enjoyment of the site.  Cutting wide swaths out of potential ad sales is a significant sacrifice, but the preservation of our collective sanity comes first.  

We're hoping that this research can help Huddler facilitate advertising that's both respectfully implemented and ideally tuned to our users' interests.  
Congratulations! Here are your results.
[h2]You're a Food and Drink Guru[/h2]
Eat, drink, and be merry - that's your motto!

You're a true foodie, obsessed with new flavours, tastes and experiences. You'd love nothing more than to be able to head off on a round the world trip, trying out what every country and culture has to offer your taste buds.

You're curious, confident, and courageous when you need to be. You like to know how everything works, and love to take things apart to find out what makes them tick. People know better than to rush you for snap decisions - you need plenty of time for all your research. And when you do speak, they listen.

I think this is pretty spot on. I love to try new foods n always love to try new drinks (especially beer). I am currently reading up on how to brew beer n plan on starting my own micro-brewery in a couple years.

Meth, this was a pretty cool survey (I've never taken one like it) n it seems to be accurate. What does this mean as far our NT experiences on an individual n general basis?

Just read your last post.
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[h1]Sports Buff[/h1]
 Basketball FTW!
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