would you let your significant other go to the movies alone with the opposite sex

Mar 6, 2005
Ok here is my situation me and my ex wife (married for 9 years together for 11 years) had a argument saying as a married man you can not and should not go to the movies with the opposite sex alone. Does not matter how long you been friends. so what your take on this, would you let your significant other go to the movies alone with the opposite sex
You have to wonder why your significant other would do things alone with someone of the opposite sex. Why don't they include you? 

You also shouldn't have to control your significant other. 
I mean, why would you want to in the first place? Creating unnecessary drama.

You married/in a relationship, but still going on dates. Unless that's how yall get down, it's a no-no.
Yes. If she's gonna **** someone else she's gonna do it whether or not I tell her she can't go to the movies

I mean, why would you want to in the first place? Creating unnecessary drama.

You married/in a relationship, but still going on dates. Unless that's how yall get down, it's a no-no.
I've hung out with chicks before but didn't consider it a date.
Here's my thing a person is going to do what they want so does it matter if you let them?

I'd let her if he's gay :lol:
Yeah I would...

I don't stop her from hanging with the opposite sex. If she wants to get smashed by other dudes, she will, whether you "let" her get into situations where cheating may occur or not.

No point in saying no, looking immature. If she wants to do somethin strange on the side, she'll find a way....if she doesn't, then she won't.
Ok what if that person been friends with a person for 20+ yrs, i don't see a problem with it honestly, why should your relationship change just because they are the opposite sex.
no, women should only associate with other women on a social level...
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As a guy if you going to the movies with a chick... You know what your intentions are
Ok what if that person been friends with a person for 20+ yrs, i don't see a problem with it honestly, why should your relationship change just because they are the opposite sex.


The years don't matter.

Bruh, if your woman wants her cheeks clapped by another dude, not much you can do about it (especially if you don't know)...

However, if you and your lady have a strong bond, she'll probably decline an invite like that, cause she'll think she don't wanna step on your toes. But if she's cool with it, no way I'm going to stand in her way....

She gonna do what she wanna do. Tell her not to go (if she wants the D), she won't, and she'll just get her cheeks clapped while you're at work, while you're non the wiser.
What girls do you know of that have been friends with a guy for 20+ years that NEVER had any sort of "relationship" prior?
Ok what if that person been friends with a person for 20+ yrs, i don't see a problem with it honestly, why should your relationship change just because they are the opposite sex.
But why is the significant other being excluded? It seems pretty suspicious if someone is being excluded. 
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So let's take this one step further. For the guys that are OK with their wives going on movie dates, would y'all be OK with your kids meeting this guy and seeing him take your wife to the movies?

I mean can this friend pick up your wife from your house and take her to the movies and your kids see some random guy picking up mom from your house?
Maybe I'm confused.. But why do you care? She's your ex wife... Or y'all back together now?
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