Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Whats a god.. Cops.. Who corrects them. No body..The only way to fix this is to destroy all the racists peoples power by protprty (theires not yours) vote them out.. vote good in and circulate the money..
my question is if witnesses are giving different stories, isnt that actually THE VERY REASON to take it to trial in front of 12 jurors and LET THEM DECIDE whats consistent and whats not?
Killed my man over some damn roll ups.. all he wanted to do was get high. 
my question is if witnesses are giving different stories, isnt that actually THE VERY REASON to take it to trial in front of 12 jurors and LET THEM DECIDE whats consistent and whats not?
The court systems works completely different.  If there was sufficient evidence for the grand jury to indict then it would've went to the higher courts and only if only there isn't a worthy settlement, the case goes to trial.  During the grand jury, which is supposed to not public, all of the witnesses give their statements and such for the grand jury to decide what accounts to be indicted for.
Nah, I don't stir up things with cops, I learn to cooperate and take their badge #'s down if they're acting up.


Who in their right mind would charge at a cop while he's in his patrol car and reach for his gun? Oh yea, probably someone who was high and had just robbed a convenience store.
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