Have you ever walked out of a movie in the theaters?

Nov 18, 2007
Coworker told me today that he walked out of the last Harry Potter movie when it was in the theatres.

I have never thought to walk out of a movie, bad or not.

Have you guys ever walked out of a movie? Which movie(s)?
Only to sneak into another one. I never seen a movie that felt like a complete waste of time in the movie theater, only subpar ones that were disappointments.
I did once and it was so bad I don't even remember what it was now :lol: Completely erased that POS movie from my memory I guess.
Darkness, Movie made no sense at all it was slow probably the worst movie I saw I went with 4 of my boys and 3 of them were knocked out halfway through 
I did once and it was so bad I don't even remember what it was now :lol: Completely erased that POS movie from my memory I guess.
Same, can't remember what movie it was but I know a lot of people were walking out with me :lol:
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I walked out of the Lord of the Rings to sneak in to see How High back in a 6th grade field trip haha.
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But I had a girl with me and w had a few drinks before so we were starting to feel each other. Grabbed her by the hand, lead her out and smashed in my whip :pimp:.

Still never caught the movie:nerd:
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