Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

but it was an arc messenger though 
But then gun is yellow and you aren't exactly repping.
man im a blood. Not no Los Santos Vagos b 
:rofl: :rofl:

What did they change it to?
Something Generic that start with a C. I didn't really look at cuz I was so mad and turned it off and called X Box this like second time I had to call them to cuss them out last time was when they charge me 5x for GTA 5 preorder

Anyway I'm change it when I hop on this weekend
I'm honor the Bro Future for blessing me with Monster, Beast Mode, 56nights and DS2

I came up with 4 GT I want

2. Activis and JollyRanchers
3. PercsForBreakfast
4. MollyCyrusInHerCup

I'm put 23 or 45 at the end for MJ
Get my fair share of hate mail from crucible, but this guy takes the cake as the angriest. I tried to be nice to him but he kept raging. It was hilarious because I kept getting matched with him even though he would back out 

Here's the convo: 
Although, I might have to hit up a PoE run for the armor core for my Warlock.

They are selling all INT gloves (+100) with special weapon reload speed and increase grenade throw distance
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You mean heavy dying i couldnt get kills cause i was reviving this dumbass who wanted to shotgun everything lol
Damn bro
I did a nightfall with a dude who 33 with 1400 grimiore score off the LFG site
He was just running around dying
Finally on boss he kept dying me and other bro just killed the boss without him
Dude was mad in the party that we ain't get him
I had to tell him bro you just got a free carry calm down lol
From watching that video of sleeper stimulant it seems underwhelming to me. Idk maybe it is better when you use it personally but for now I'm not really feeling it.
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