Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

You of all people should know 16 is just a # that WWE makes up.  Flair is anywhere from a 17-21 World Champ depending on what records you use.

But it's in the books that 16 is the magic number. That 17-21 is like beauty on the inside, doesn't matter one bit.
You of all people should know 16 is just a # that WWE makes up.  Flair is anywhere from a 17-21 World Champ depending on what records you use.

Then tell your friend Cena to start recognizing Flair as a 21 time champ so I don't have to worry about it anymore..
Brock with that 2k limb targeting.

Cena's arm gonna be in the red level soon.
Imagine if the geek medical staff tried to put the match on pause to fix Brock's bloody nose 
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