School me on College and Money

Nov 7, 2013
Wassup guys. Started my first year of college, and I receive about $2600 back each semester. What is the best way to spend/invest/save this money? What do you guys think are the best ideas that I should do with the money?


What's the best advice you guys could give for a college student? If you were able to go back to college, what advice can you recommend me that you wish you had the knowledge of? Thanks fam.


forgot to add that I commute to school in nyc, so I live at home. Also have a full scholarship to school
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Learning how to cook instead of going out to eat. Or getting a shorty to cook for you [emoji]128526[/emoji].

You will have many poverty meals. Embrace them they will be funny stories one day.

Clothes and shoes were the least of my priorities because I was broke in college.

Rent textbooks if you can. If you're really dedicated some libraries have your textbooks. Make that daily trip, it helps with studying as well with the environment you're in.

I never had alcohol so that was money in my pocket. Marijuana did get me through college. If you don't smoke or drink financially you should be straight.

I'm not sure how your student loans are set up but upon graduation you want to break even. No debt that way when you get a job you can just stack. Good luck.
Use sparingly. You're going to need it when you pay back student loans.

I was older than most undergrads, so my student experience was different. I stayed in a dorm, and while everyone was getting dressed to go out, I was walking back from the library. While they were out drinking, I was doing research on graduate schools and seeking who I specifically needed to talk to.
Thanks for the replies guys. Deff realized how important utilizing the library is, and how much more focused and efficient I am when I go to do work
I don't know the struggle cause I have a job so I spend however I please. I commute though since my house is like 15 min away.
Don't spend it. Save it. There will always be inexpected costs that pop up, whether its losing your phone, damaging a textbook, harddrive failure, etc.

I know its easy to spend in college, but try to be frugal when possible. You never know when that unexpected expense will popup. Just becsuse you have the money does not mean you have to spend it.
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Set a budget for yourself. Don't get a credit card. Don't buy shoes. Party, but do house parties and pregame bars when you go. Carrying a flask around helps too.
Stack that money b. Save it for yourself down the road. Just stack stack stack b.

Third year in college here and this, this this. I lived in the dorms my first year but right after I moved back home because i figured it was worth the 15G's or so to live on campus :lol:
Don't spend your college money on anything other than college.

Dudes who blow financial aid money on sneakers and garbage just don't get it..
you get 2600 a semester after expenses?
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